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尝尝铅弹吧,外星机器人!Eat lead, alien robot!

杰克是一个机灵的外侨。Jack was an alert alien.

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那个和这个不一样。That is alien from this.

你想成为一个外星人格斗家?Do you want an alien bruiser?

孔侑真的可以接受外星人吗?Can GY really accept an alien ?

身在异乡,它又在寻求什么?In alien parts what does it seek?

我们认为自己撞到了外星人?Do we think I drove over an alien?

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为什么众人称罗得为寄居者?Why did the men call Lot an alien?

它大概对你的经历来说是外来物。It's probably alien to your experience.

杀死一个外星人会给您加分。Killing an alien gives you some points.

不,这绝对是个地外行星。No, this is definitely an alien planet.

失败和痛苦都将从我的生命中消失。Failure, like pain, is alien to my life.

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水不一定要深,有了龙就灵异了。Water is not deep, the dragon was alien.

佛教说“邪魔外道”。" Buddhism says, "Evil is alien to Truth.

中午他已经深入了这个陌生的国度的腹地。By noon he was far into the alien country.

那就像语言本身格格不入一样。It remained as alien as the language itself.

你冲长着两个脑袋的外星人说什么?What do you say to a two-headed space alien?

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最后被圈地法律和外来清规戒律击败。And unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos.

不过,外星生命可能有所不同。But alien life may not be entirely Earth-like.

救救我,我迫降在一个陌生星球上。Help me. I’ve crash-landed on an alien planet.