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警察向他开枪时,他机警地闪开了。He dodged cleverly when the police fired at him.

因此,我们务必节约他们最聪明的。As a result, we must economize them most cleverly.

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她用鞋子砸向他时,他机敏地闪开了。He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him.

“我口袋里没东西。”伦尼狡黠地说。"Aint a thing in my pocket, " Lennie said cleverly.

海伦非常巧妙地用几句话大挫西蒙的傲气。Helen brought Simon down very cleverly with her remarks.

发言人巧妙地回避了一个令人难堪的提问。The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.

导演手法巧妙地着意渲染使电影更增添恐怖气氛。The director cleverly atmosphered the film for added chills.

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这款茶杯的一边绝妙的镶嵌了拉链!Zipper was cleverly incorporated into the side of the teacup.

她身穿一件紧贴着她的身体的曲线的低胸露肩连衣裙。She was wearing a low strapless dress that hugged her curves cleverly.

孩子在给一套素描画着色。The picture was cleverly restored and showed up its original colouring.

幸运的是,所有单位都被精妙地呈现出来,栩栩如生讨人喜欢。Fortunately, all of the units are cleverly realized and adorably animated.

甩脱了尾随她的小流氓,然后报了警。She cleverly got rid of the rogues who followed her, and called the police.

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基本上,它聪明地消除了大家对祼眼3D的多数顾虑。Basically, it cleverly fixes most everything we hate about glasses-free 3-D.

演员的秃头被一顶看起来非常自然的假发巧妙地遮盖了。The actor's baldness was cleverly concealed by a very natural-looking toupee.

你很聪明地把古鲁或者圣典上所教导的东西合理化了。You have cleverly rationalized what the gurus and holy books have taught you.

我宁愿认为他们会这么做,只不过后来在编辑片子时,聪明地把这些镜头剪掉了。I'd like to think that they did but it was all cleverly edited out afterwards.

通过购买世界杯上黯淡无光的马竞前锋,迭戈科斯塔,切尔西已经聪明地投了保。By buying World Cup flop Diego Costa, Chelsea have cleverly insured against this.

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他很巧妙的把异教徒的信仰融入到他基督传教中。He cleverly incorporated the pagan beliefs of the day into his Christian teachings.

徐悲鸿用黑色墨水巧妙地展示了马鬃及马尾部运动着的鬃毛。Xu cleverly drew in black ink to show the moving hair on the horse's mane and tail.

这时他用于战阵,眼明手快,躲过了千百只马蹄的践踏。Xiao cleverly employed them in the battle field to avoid being trampled by the horses.