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他做了一个后空翻。He did a backward flip.

我对这本书是倒背如流。I know this book backward.

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我对这本书是倒背如流。I know this book backward.

什么鸟能向后飞?Which birds can fly backward?

来吧,玛丽,别怕难为情。Come on, Mary. Don't be backward.

你能倒背英语字母表吗?Can you say the alphabet backward?

肥皂倒过来念是皂肥。Tegrin spelled backward is Nirget.

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汤尼在向她求婚时畏缩了。Tony be backward in propose to her.

汤尼在向她求婚时畏缩了。Tony is backward in propose to her.

连那些跛者,也不倒行。Even those who limp go not backward.

青年人展望未来,老年人眷念过去。Youth look forward and age backward.

这孩子的学习成绩属下游。The child is backward in his studies.

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所有演员对剧本都熟知到可以倒背如流。All the actors know the play backward.

他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。He did a brilliant backward somersault.

我大略要慢半个小时。I'll be about bisected an hour backward.

落后的须眉缺少玄色配景。the backward man lacks black background.

中国的西部地区总体上是贫穷落后的。China's west is generally poor and backward.

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她能数到一百然后再倒着数回来。She can count up to one hundred and backward.

使用逆向链接来开发类。Employ backward chaining to develop the class.

这似乎是最丢人的事情,对不?This seems like the most backward thing, right?