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熟悉目的地当地的情况和法律。Familiarize yourself with local conditions and laws.

我们应该从现在开始就去熟悉考试。We must familiarize ourselves with the exam from now on.

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该示例还让您熟悉基本的索引操作。The example will also familiarize you with basic index operations.

利用这几分钟的时间熟悉环境,让自己镇定下来。Use the time to familiarize yourself with the environment and calm down.

在刺猬的笼子里放一件你的臭衣服是一个不错的选择。Placing a worn t-shirt in their cage may familiarize them with your scent.

搞演习的目的是让旅客熟悉集合地点。A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their assembly stations.

搞演习的目的是让旅客熟悉救生设备。A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their life-saving equipment.

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熟悉其中的表格、摘要、黑体字及边栏提示。Familiarize yourself with the table of contents, summaries, bolded text and sidebars.

首先,希望大家能熟知,希伯来圣经的内容。First and foremost, we want to familiarize you with the contents of the Hebrew Bible.

花些时间细读返回到结果,熟悉其中包含的内容。Take a moment to peruse the returned results and familiarize yourself with the content.

所有井队人员,都应当熟悉他们自己与高压管线的定位。All rig personnel should familiarize themselves with the location of high pressure lines.

熟悉基本急救护理并确记急救箱的存放处。Familiarize yourself with basic first-aid treatment and the location of the first-aid box.

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现在我们让花时间去熟悉他们,然后你的沟通将会发生改变!Take time to familiarize yourself with each of them and your communication will be transformed!

在这段同你呆在一起最长的时间里,这倒使我能够继续去了解你,关心你。It could let to continue to familiarize to you, to take care of you in this long period of time.

在参与实验之前,学员须自己去熟悉实验讲义。Prior to attending the lab, students should familiarize themselves with the laboratory handouts.

她可以通过切换到缩略图视图,从而让自己熟悉队友的面孔。She can familiarize herself with the faces of her teammates by switching to the thumbnails view.

直接邮寄广告的主要目的是让潜在购买者熟悉产品。The chief function of direct-mail advertising is to familiarize prospective buyers with a product.

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您应该熟悉主要方法,并了解各个方法的优缺点。You should familiarize yourself with the major methodologies and understand the tradeoffs in each.

所以,如果你在该项目投标感兴趣,请熟悉Shiply首先自己。So, if you are interested in bidding for this project please familiarize yourself with Shiply first.

这个软件会通过扫描你现有的邮件和文档来熟悉你运用的词汇。The software can scan your existing emails and documents to familiarize itself with your vocabulary.