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但是主体建筑仍未做改善。But the main building remained unimproved.

未改制的钢塑板呈少筋脆性破坏特征。The failure of unimproved slabs was brittle.

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如果你仍不改进修理工作,我将拒绝接收。I'll refuse to accept it if your repairing word remains unimproved.

未建房地方可以在任何时候抵押给银行。Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time.

作为回报,政府把原本可能不会得到改善的公共资产交给私营公司。In return, the government turns over otherwise unimproved public assets.

但是,目前我国的生态保护与建设的补偿措施并不完善。However, currently the expiation mode of eco-protection and construction in our country is unimproved.

他告诉Lincoln,在河边有一条还未投入使用的道路,有可能还没有被封锁。He tells Lincoln there’s an unimproved road by the river. There’s a chance it hasn’t been blocked off yet.

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当环境半径参量趋于无穷大时,改进后量的状态无限趋近于没有改进时量的分布。When the environment radius tends to be infinite, the improved status of Fujita formula tends to be unimproved.

显然,培育改进了的人种对未改进的人类而言会产生社会和政治问题。Clearly developing improved humans will create great social and political problems with respect to unimproved humans.

例如,如果您将要在坏路面使用RT剪式升降机,请切记要订购自动持平支架。For example, don't forget to order self-leveling outriggers if you're using your RT scissor lifts on unimproved surfaces.

对于没有建房的地产,拥有人依然可以收取双倍的租金,只要他拥有同一组地产。The owner still collects double rent from an opponent who lands on the unimproved properties of there complete color-group.

实验结果表明,改进的遗传算法收敛速度比改进前提高了5—6倍。The experimental results indicate that the convergence speed of improving genetic algorithm is 5-6 times faster than the unimproved.

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一旦这样的超人出现,没有得到改进、没有能力与超人竞争的人将会成为重大的政治问题。Once such super humans appear, there are going to be major political problems, with the unimproved humans, who won't be able to compete.

如果奥巴马同意这个含糊不清的标准,他就做了一件对国家有很大伤害的事,并且对于当前的未改变的NCLB法律缓慢推进情况较佳。If Obama follows fuzzy standards, he does the nation a disservice and is better off just limping along with the current, unimproved NCLB law.

新的运行机制让公司焕发生机,企业有了发展,员工福利得到改善,但是员工流失的问题却没有得到改观。The newly operated system make the company vigorous, fully developing and improved welfare of staff while unimproved problem in loss of staff.

改造后的运行效果表明,纵向翅片管式换热器的使用寿命是改造前的2倍,且运行平稳。The operation efficiency for the improved device shows that the service life is 2 times of unimproved exchanger with a high operating stability.

改进后侧向位移计算结果的精度比原方法有很大提高。The calculated results of lateral movement of the improved method are checked more fairly well with field measurements than those of the unimproved ones.

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韩媒认为,在公共教育质量没有提高的情况下,限时令难阻家长和学生对补习班的需求。Media reports say that given the unimproved level of public education, the time limits will not extinguish parents and students' desire for after-school classes.

引入量表评定并比较好转与未好转患者的睡眠质量、生活质量及患病行为特点。To value the quality of sleep, the quality of life and illness behaviors of these patients who are divided into both improved group and unimproved group by using scales.

古木房子,大部分未经修改的狭长的街道伸向嘉陵江,工艺纪念品专卖店,放着音乐的茶馆,本地特色美食与小吃店等店铺林立街道两旁。The old wooden houses and narrow streets furthest from the river are mostly unimproved . There are craft and souvenir shops, teahouses and music, and lots of local food and snacks.