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金铜时钟。Chiming Clock.

根本不需要时钟。It needs no clock.

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制作一个钟盘。Make a plate clock.

这个钟走得慢。This clock is slow.

这只钟在哪儿?。Where is the clock?

台钟在滴答滴答地响。The clock is ticking.

钟敲六响。The clock struck six.

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钟有两个指针。A clock has two hands.

钟是用来计时的。A clock measures time.

我有一个小钟。I have a little clock.

钟敲了九下。The clock struck nine.

钟以报过午时。The clock struck noon.

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这座钟不走了。This clock doesn′t go.

把手放到这只钟上。Put hands on the clock.

钟鸣3下。The clock struck three.

钟有三个指针。A clock has three hands.

那台钟走对准确吗?Can that clock be right?

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噢,我知道了。它是钟。Oh, I see. It's a clock.

这个钟是什么形状的?What shape is the clock?

是什么东西在钟里唱歌?What sings in the clock?