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当哈吉从花园的门进来的时候,我们正试图唤醒她。We were trying to rouse her when Haji walked in from the garden entrance.

哈吉·萨利·穆罕默德,一个拉什卡尔加店主,也同意警察在不断改进他们的工作。Haji Salih Mohammad, a Lashkar Gah shopkeeper, agreed that the police were improving.

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哈吉扎德并没有透露击落这些飞机的时间、地点以及其他的细节。Haji Zadeh shot down the aircraft did not disclose the time, place and other details.

哈吉·努萨西收割归来,挑着神圣的红稻回到塞姆巴伦巴姆邦村。Back from the harvest, Haji Nursasih carries sacred red rice to the village of Sembalun Bumbung.

哈吉和吉米一前一后突然冲了进来,打破了客厅的诡异的平静。The relative calm of the living room was shattered suddenly as Haji and Jimmy burst into the room in tandem.

大师是有名的对神迹不感兴趣,他从不回答有关这哈吉的任何问题。The Master, who was known to be quite uninterested in the miraculous, would never reply to questions on the Haji.

听到这个让我们所有人都怔住的门铃响声时,荷马扬叔叔正走到楼梯的一半,后面紧跟着哈吉和吉米。Uncle Homayoun was halfway up the stairs, closely followed by Haji and Jimmy, when the sound of the doorbell immobilized us.

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据说这座神山是万山之主,农历每月十五日的转山朝拜以及三月十五日麻芝节,都在这里举行。This mountain is said to the Lord of mountains, on the 15th lunar month of worship and of Mt Ma Haji March 15, are held here.

哈吉阿卜杜勒哈米德拿出卫星照片设有一个由厚厚的石榴果园吞没泥砖簇化合物。Haji Abdul Hamid pulls out a satellite photograph featuring a cluster of mud-brick compounds engulfed by thick pomegranate orchards.

萨尔玛改变了原本的习惯,开始戴上回教女性的头巾,而在片尾,帕可又娶了2个太太,每个都比前一个更年轻。Salma has adapted by wearing a Muslim head scarf, and by the end of the movie, Pak Haji has two more wives, each one younger than the last.

哈吉·古拉姆拉和他家族里的600-800口人回到了阿富汗。家族里很多人没有足够的钱买食物或水。Haji Ghulamullah returned home with his clan of 600 to 800 families. Many of the families have little money to pay for their own food or water.

据说郊外住着一个会行神迹的哈吉,故此他的家成了一个朝觐的中心,聚集了一大群有病的人。The Haji who lived at the outskirts of the town was said to perform miracles, so his home was a center of pilgrimage for large crowds of sick people.

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哈吉扎德说,伊朗已经掌握制造射程2000公里以上远程导弹的技术,拥有各种现代化导弹系统和先进发射装置。Haji Zadeh said that Iran has mastered the manufacture of a range of 2,000 km-range missile technology, a variety of modern and advanced missile systems, launchers.

2011年4月28日,国务院总理温家宝在吉隆坡分别会见了马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔和巴达维。On April 28, 2011, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met respectively with former Malaysian prime ministers Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi in Kuala Lumpur.

哈吉扎德表示,此次演习只是革命卫队举行的年度例行演习,目的是检验和提高伊朗武装部队抵御外国军队侵略的能力。Haji Zadeh said the Revolutionary Guards, but the exercise routine at the annual exercise to test and improve the Iranian armed forces to resist foreign military aggression.

在也门,该国南部一伙部落武装16日占领了南部拉哈吉省省会胡塔市的所有政府大楼,并基本控制了该省。In Yemen, the southern group of 16 tribal militants occupied the southern provincial capital of La Haji Huta all city government buildings, and basic control of the province.

夏邦达咖啡店老板哈吉•穆罕穆德•哈沙利坐在咖啡店门口旁,凝视着阿尔穆塔纳比街道,那是一个世纪以来书商和知识分子的主要聚集地。Seated near the entrance of the Shahbandar literary café, owner Haji Mohammed al Khashali gazes out to Al Mutanabbi Street, a centuries-old hub for booksellers and intellectuals.

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“南部运动”组织在拉哈吉省拉德范地区二号头目发赛尔·朱布兰说,冲突只造成他手下一名武装人员受伤。"Southern Movement" organizations in the province of La Defan La Haji Nasser Zhu Region II issued Brandeis leader said his men had only one conflict, armed officers were injured.

去年,哈吉马利·汗在阿富汗帕克蒂亚省建立了军营,负责协调袭击行动所需的资金,帮助武装人员获得武器。Last year, Haji Khan Mali Paktia province in Afghanistan, established a military camp, is responsible for coordinating attacks the funds needed to help the militants to obtain weapons.

据报道,哈吉扎德在伊朗西部城市霍拉马巴德对民众发表讲话,指出伊朗的立场是将“以牙还牙”地面对“威胁”。According to reports, Haji Zadeh Khorramabad in the western city of Iran, delivered a speech to the people, pointing out that Iran's position is the "eye for an eye" to face the "threat.