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不舍橄榄石和辉石。No pyroxene or olivine has been found.

老黑山熔岩中的橄榄石是贵橄榄石。The olivine from the Laoheishan is chrysolite.

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用两种水溶性树脂在碱性镁橄榄石砂上进行了试验。Two types of water soluble resin are tested in alkali magnesium olivine sand.

镁质橄榄石几乎总是代表了原生沉淀物。Forsteritic olivine almost invariably represents primary precipitate material.

上岩带橄长岩中的橄榄石颗粒相当短粗。The olivine grains in the troctolite of the Upper Zone are rather short and thick.

橄榄石质量居全国第一,储量236吨,居全国第二。Olivine quality rank first in the country, reserves of 236 tons, ranking the second.

苦橄岩的斑晶主要为蛇纹石化的自形-半自形橄榄石。Serpentinized euhedral-subhedral olivine phenocrystals are dominant in the picrites.

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黑白灰永恒的主色调,配以红黄绿每季的流行色。Black and white ash eternal mass-tone attune, match with red olivine seasonal fashion.

而阿波罗计划也从月球上收集回了各种橄榄石。Various kinds of olivine were also collected on the moon throughout the Apollo program.

在此基础上,根据已有的实验资料,首次对橄榄石相变的形核率进行了估计。Based on this modification and the experimental data, we first evaluate the nucleation of olivine.

这类似于火山灰,这是主要组成矿物如辉石和橄榄石。This resembles volcanic ash, which is predominantly composed of minerals such as pyroxene and olivine.

明亮的绿色橄榄石是一种矿物的标志,这种矿物富含铁,来自于夏威夷那些缓慢流动的火山熔岩。Bright green olivine is a significant mineral in Hawaii’s slow-flowing basaltic lava and is rich in iron.

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在环绕周围的小行星尘埃中,有与地球上常见的橄榄石很类似的一种矿物质。In the surrounding asteroid dust, there was a mineral similar to olivine , which is common here on Earth.

不过,尽管有水的迹象,这里的岩石仍然含有大量的橄榄石与辉石。Despite this hint of water, however, these rocks still contained significant amounts of olivine and pyroxene.

利用径迹相交法研究了经部分退火后橄榄石中重离子径迹的显示问题。The revelation of heavy ion tracks in olivine after partial annealing has been studied by the TINT technique.

晶种制备过程中其颜色的变化为由灰白色—灰绿色—黄绿色—土黄—深黄色。The color of seed continuously changes with time from hoariness to celadon to olivine to khaki to deep yellow.

月之橄榄石产生于名为“火喷泉”的巨型火山。Lunar olivine was created by great volcanoes called fire fountains, which sprayed superheated lava into the sky.

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我们已经知道,大量的橄榄石存在于彗星之上,但是它是如何上去的却依然还是个谜。The abundance of olivine in comets is well established, but it's always been a bit of a mystery how it got there.

和钙-铝矿物质一样,镁橄榄石是在早期的太阳近旁形成的首种物质之一。Like the calcium-aluminum mineral, magnesium olivine was one of the first materials that formed around the young sun.

x射线衍射分析结果表明,材料具有规则橄榄石型结构,物相单一,无杂质。Characterized by X- Ray diffraction, the sample was found with an order olivine structure, no impurity and single phase.