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台风侵袭沿海地区。The typhoon hit the coastal areas.

超级台风将肆虐沿海的城市。Super-hurricanes hit coastal cities.

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沿海的索马里人开始生病。The coastal population began to sicken.

文登是一座生机勃勃的沿海开放城市。Wendeng is a dynamic coastal open city.

是我国典型的粉砂淤泥质海岸。Is typical of China's coastal muddy silt.

他们决定加强海岸地区的防卫。They decided to fortify the coastal areas.

政府已经疏散了海岸地区的民众。Officials are evacuating all coastal areas.

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他们决定加强海岸地区的防卫。This country will fortify the coastal areas.

坐落在美丽的滨海城市烟台。Located in the beautiful coastal city Yantai.

海洋,海岸过程和地貌。The Oceans, Coastal Processes, and Landforms.

南通是一座富有特色的田园城市。Nantong is a coastal city with a long history.

缅因州的一个沿海的农场上,有个在建的牲口棚。On a farm in coastal Maine, a barn is going up.

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政府将派军驻守沿海城镇。The government will garrison the coastal towns.

在塔巴这座海岸村落,一切似乎都很安静。All seemed quiet in the coastal village of Taba.

那条沿海岸的长长的公路一直压在我的心头。Always this long coastal road bulked in my mind.

沿海为平原、低地,间有低丘。The coastal plains, lowland, between a low hill.

沿海国家必须建立观察塔和瞭望台。They must set up coastal watchtowers and lookouts.

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他们必须建立海岸监测点及瞭望台。They must set up coastal watchtowers and lookouts.

四条通过沿海线路的列车失踪。Four trains plying coastal routes have disappeared.

许多沿海城镇遭到飓风袭击而荒芜。Many coastal towns were desolated by the hurricane.