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饶宗颐先生不光是一位国学大师。Rao Zongyi was not just a sinologist.

与汉学家霍布恩先生切磋。Yang Yuanhong to direct the poetry. and sinologist Bunn TON.

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苏联汉学家瓦?米?阿列克谢耶夫是苏联汉学的奠基人。The Soviet sinologist V. M. Alekseyev is a founder of Soviet sinology.

本文是对美国当代汉学家安乐哲教授学术成果的一项梳理研究。This thesis is one kind of trimming research on American sinologist Roger.

本文是对美国当代汉学家安乐哲教授学术成果的一项梳理研究。This thesis is one kind of trimming research on American sinologist Roger T.

他的科学背景是一个地理学家汉学家和民族学家。His scientific background is that of a geographer sinologist und ethnologist.

马悦然是瑞典皇家学院十八位院士中唯一的汉学家。Malmqvist is the sole sinologist among the eighteen members of the Swedish Academy.

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于是他转型为汉学家并以英国科学使者的身份在重庆找了一份工作。He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain's scientific emissary.

他开始重新恶补中国知识,以一位汉学家的身份来到陪都重庆出任英国驻华使馆的科学参赞。He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain’s scientific emissary.

正巧,德国汉学家“垃圾”“法西斯”的评论翩然而至。So along came this Germany Sinologist who offered assessments such as "trash" and "fascism.

多数汉学家认为这一段存在着封建制、贵族政治,是中国的中世纪时期。Most Sinologist think that there is a feudal system, aristocracy, is China's medieval period.

美国汉学家宇文所安是古典诗歌、中国文论的研究专家。American sinologist Stephen Owen is an expert specializing in classical poetry and Chinese literature.

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对德国汉学家沃夫冈顾宾言论的扭曲事件只不过是给整个讨论多添了几把火。The distortion of what Germany Sinologist Wolfgang Kubin said is just adding more flames to this discussion.

卜正民是以研究中国明代史著称汉学家,其研究成果近年来逐渐受到国内学界的重视。Timothy Brook is a sinologist who is attracting attention from more and more scholars both in and outside China.

在出版前,我们编辑部就相关文本的翻译咨询过一位德国的汉学家。Prior to publication, the editorial office had consulted a German sinologist for a translation of the relevant text.

他指出这些目前受争议的文本描述了在无可厚非的时代背景下传统中国的特色。The sinologist concluded that the text in question depicted classical Chinese characters in a non-controversial context.

这位中国专家认为上述中文字是中文繁体字,其语境并无引起任何争议之嫌。The sinologist concluded that the text in question depicted classical Chinesecharacters in an non-controversial context.

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谦冲平易、治学严谨,杜德桥的确有国际汉学大师的风范。Modest, unassuming, and a meticulous scholar, Glen Dudbridge indeed has the air of an internationally renowned sinologist.

美国汉学家罗慕士将其译为英语,使更多的英语读者领略了其魅力。American Sinologist Moss Roberts translated it into English, and more and more English readers would appreciate its beauty.

宇文所安是哈佛大学的学院教授,是以中国古典文学研究而闻名的汉学家。Stephen Owen is University Professor in Harvard University and a Sinologist known for his studies in Chinese classical literature.