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可别小看丹·布朗运筹帷幄的能力。Don't doubt the Dan Brown juggernaut.

但是不要期望这样的疑虑会阻止这些高官们。But don’t expect such qualms to stop the juggernaut.

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这以为着中国是否能熟练驾奴自己的国家经济。And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.

站在纯经济学的角度来看,中国似乎很像是一辆重型卡车。From a purely economic perspective, it looks very much like a juggernaut.

但到现在为止,没有人能够想出一个办法让军事工业的“战车”暂停下来。But no one has yet come up with a way to halt this military-industrial juggernaut.

圣灵有着很好的射程,是是你最值得崇拜的之一。The avatar has great range, it is one of the closest you will get to a juggernaut.

他们在网络广告、图片、视频、网络游戏各个领域横冲直撞。They have become a juggernaut in online advertising, pictures, video and online games.

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所以我们知道了这股强大营销的力量看中了莱特的自传,于是他们要了这本书。So what we have is this marketing juggernaut getting interested in Wright's autobiography.

阿里巴巴希望在天猫出售更多美国商品,刺激销售增长。Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Alibaba is trying to stoke its sales growth by selling more U.

让人见怪不怪的是,有两位女富豪都和零售业巨头沃尔玛有关系。It may come as no surprise that the two richest women in America have ties to retail juggernaut Wal-Mart.

咖啡,另一种日常安慰品,的价格也在上涨,最终可能减缓精品咖啡的主宰力量。Coffee, that other daily solace, is rising to levels that might finally slow the specialty coffee juggernaut.

那么,这位宇宙和人类的主宰者是何方神圣呢?And then where is the holiness, which plays the role of a juggernaut to dominate the universe and human being?

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它忙着从司机手里抢夺方向盘,不让他把方向对准迎面而来灾难。It is about grabbing the wheel from the bus driver who is steering us directly towards an oncoming juggernaut.

东南亚国家为在比邻强大的中国制造力量中求生存而研究了不同策略.Southeast Asian nations have honed different strategies for living next to the Chinese manufacturing juggernaut.

此时的索德林虽然已经度过了比赛前段的不适,但仍然无法阻止费德勒的大力发球。Soderling by that time had got over his early-match jitters but he could not halt Federer's juggernaut of a serve.

这是一个古老世界被工业革命的伟力快速扫除的时代!This is a time when an old world is being swept away at a tremendous rate by the juggernaut of the industrial age.

在完成它的建造过程中,为了更强调它的重大宗教意义,甚至会在外面镀上一层黄金来装饰。To make it complete, the juggernaut is covered by a layer of gold to make it look even more religiously important.

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这种动量效应对另一条金融理论――”有效市场假设”――产生了强烈的冲击。The momentum effect drives a juggernaut through one of the tenets of finance theory, the efficient-market hypothesis.

每个车轮由三个独立旋转的轮圈组成,使得“主宰者”能应付大多数不宜行驶的地形。Each wheel consists of three independently spinning segments that lets the Juggernaut cover most types of inhospitable terrain.

虽然“主宰者”的转弯半径不大,但其转弯速度却难以令人满意,这就是为它设计双驾驶舱的原因。Though it has a tight turn radius, the Juggernaut is agonizingly slow to turn, which is why it was designed with twin cockpits.