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但是她的下颌线呢?But her jaw line?

我的牙和下巴疼。My teeth and jaw hurt.

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那拳击手的下巴松了下来。The boxer's jaw went slack.

下颚打浆机秸秆画上步行者。Pacers paint straw beater jaw.

我下巴疼,我也不知道是怎么回事。My jaw aches. I don't know why.

在打架时,他的下巴被打裂了。His jaw was broken in the fight.

我吃惊得下巴都掉了!My jaw dropped and hit the floor!

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他狠击对手的下巴。He tagged his opponent on the jaw.

他气得连颌肌都暴突出来了。His jaw muscles knotted with anger.

听到这个消息,他惊讶得张口结舌。On hearing the news, his jaw dropped.

乔的眼睛鼓起,而且他的颚降低。Joe's eyes bulged and his jaw dropped.

我看了看我的手表,然后惊讶得下巴都要掉到地上了。I looked at my watch and my jaw dropped.

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T-Bag的下巴垂了下来,仿佛见了鬼一样。T-Bag’s jaw drops, as if he’s seen a ghost.

雄鲑鱼弯下颚弯曲或钩状的雄鲑鱼的下颌。Curved or hooked lower jaw of a male salmon.

他的牙床和下巴肿痛。医学教。育网整。理。He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw.

我的牙床和下巴又肿又痛。I have some sore swellings on my gum and jaw.

手臂疼痛,下颌疼痛,颈部疼痛,牙痛。Arm pain, jaw pain, neck pain, and dental pain.

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强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.

上下颚各有一对锐利的门齿。A pair of upper and lower jaw have sharp incisors.

胳膊、两肩、后背以及颚部有刺痛感pain shooting through arms, shoulders, back or jaw