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全球经济化的概念及目前状况与标志。The concept of global economization and at present state and mark.

语言的经济化是社会发展的一种现象,其典型文体就是名词体。The economization of language is a natural phenomenon of social development.

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在实际应用中证明了该方案的经济性与可靠性。The represent of the system in practice proves its economization and reliability.

但是,对于中国市场经济化的程度不能估计过高,应有一…But, to Chinese market the degree of economization cannot be overestimated, due one.

做到取送物品无人力搬运,可最大限度的节约人力,充分利用现有空间。It can bring economization of human resources, and take full advantage of existing space.

在我国,“节约型社会”,“循环经济”已上升到国策的高度。In China, " economization -based society" and" circular economy" have become our state policy.

文化的经济化是社会政治、经济和文化互动发展的结果。Culture economization results from the development of social political, economics, and culture.

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美国人民开展“节省一碗饭、分钱”运动,大力支援中国抗日。The American people carried out the movement of economization to support the Anti-Japanese War.

社会主义市场经济的发展,客观上要求时间和空间的节约。The development of socialist market economy objectively demands the economization on time and space.

由于阴极形状和管结构的差异,降低热子加热功率各不相同。The economization of the heater Power is related to the shape of cathode and the construction of tube.

经济与文化相互交织,表现为“经济的文化化”和“文化的经济化”。Economy and Culture blend each other, "Economic culturalization" and "cultural economization" become a trend.

财经传媒热及大众媒体的“经济化”,使经济新闻及传媒人才走俏。Financial media heat and "economization" of mass media arouse great demand for economic news talents and media talents.

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经济至上论“是在理论上和现实中把经济的重要性推向极端的非合理性价值理念。The economization is an irrational value sense while pushing the economic importance to its extreme in theory and reality.

同时思想理论误区与实践误区无疑对文化经济化趋势形成挑战。At the same time, beyond doubt, trend of culture economization to be challenged in the mistake area of thought theory and practice.

当前我国国民经济面临节约能源和环境保护两大挑战,充分合理地利用能源是可持续发展的关键。Currently, the development of country economy is confronted with two greatness challenges, energy economization and environmental protection.

当我们说效率的提高时,通常指的是某项或多项费用的节约,或者是同样的投入带来了更大的收益。While talking about efficiency increase, we usually mean the economization of certain cost items or greater profit brought by the same input.

合理城镇化有利于节约土地,而节约土地的巨大潜力在农村。The rational " townization" would be beneficial to economization on land. The great potentialities of economize on land are in the rural area.

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此外根据威廉姆森“经济化”的定义,界定了企业纵向兼并的临界点。In addition according to Williams the definition of " of economization of Mu dark " , limitted a company the critical point of fore-and-aft annex.

在今天,文化的经济化和经济的文化化两股潮流正融合为文化经济一体化的时代主流。Today, the tide of cultural economization and that of economic cultralization are flowing into the main time current of culture-economy integration.

考虑到所有上面的分析中,我们必须把节能的重要性。首先,我们应该积极提倡的传统美德。Taking into account all the analyses above, we must attach importance of economization. First, we should get actively to advocate the traditional virtue.