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自2008年年底这种灵巧设计风格的小型汽车已经成为欧洲最畅销的车。This slickly styled subcompact has been a top seller in Europe since late 2008.

图中的金龟车也是电动车,虽然只是实验车,但是离上路不远了。The subcompact in the photo is battery-powered . Though still experimental, it will soon be on the road.

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本田和其合资伙伴广州汽车公司计划明年推出Linian微型轿车。Honda and its joint-venture partner, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., plan to launch the Linian subcompact sedan next year.

去年10月份销量前五名包括中国一汽生产的微型车夏利,当时它名列中国市场销量排行榜第三名。On the top-five list from October last year was the FAW Xiali, a subcompact car, which ranked as the third-best selling car in China.

答案是,买一辆微型轿车开上一辈子,或者你也可以开上价值1298万元的顶级豪华迈巴赫风光一天。You could buy a subcompact car to drive for the rest of your life. Or get behind the wheel of a 12.98 million-yuan Maybach model for a day.

福特的平托是一款糟糕得出名的汽车,而更糟糕的可能还是福特公司对这款70年代次紧凑型汽车的安全隐患所做的处理。The Ford Pinto was a famously bad automobile, but worse still might be Ford's handling of the safety concerns surrounding the '70s-era subcompact.

还有一个机构的想法说,这乐骋是一样的汽车称为万岁这是一个溢价等微型匹敌的本田城市。There is also a body of thought which says this Aveo is the same as a car called the Viva which is a premium subcompact rivalling the likes of the Honda City.

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福特汽车正在开发生产福克斯微型车的2011款全电动版本,到2012年该公司将有一款混合动力电动车出现。Ford is working on an all-electric version of its Focus subcompact for 2011, and by 2012 the company may have a plug-in version of its Fusion Hybrid available.

韩国第二大汽车制造商起亚宣布,它的“千里马”车是中国上半年销量最好的小型家用车。Kia Motors Corp. , South Korea's No. 2 carmaker, said Monday its "Qianlima" subcompact model was the best-selling small car in China in the first half of the year.

一些品牌提供更大的折扣帮助了,因为如雪佛兰声波的新产品,一款微型汽车,还有克莱斯勒重新设计的模型围满了人。Bigger discounts offered by some brands have helped, as have new offerings like the Chevrolet Sonic, a subcompact car, and a bevy of redesigned models from Chrysler.