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所有菜肴都是十分好吃,既令人开心又令人回味。All the dishes were hearty and tantalizingly tasty.

现在这个目标不再可望而不可及了。Now that objective is no longer tantalizingly out of reach.

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快节奏嘹亮的歌曲,透露着怪异而又简洁得让人抓狂。The songs remain fast and loud, totally wired and tantalizingly brief.

对很多同性伴侣来说拥有婚姻权利的可能性,即使处于延缓判决中,也正在步步走近。For many gay couples, the possibility of marriage, even while delayed, seemed tantalizingly close.

虽然并没有确切的答案,但它似乎已经非常接近临界密度。While the answer is not yet known for certain, it appears to be tantalizingly close to the critical density.

奥运会是笔大买卖,而中国正是这些生意争相前往的中心。The Olympics are big business, and in a business sense China is regarded as tantalizingly untapped territory.

这些展品让参观者感到同这位似乎高不可及的神秘伟人近在咫尺。The objects bring visitors tantalizingly close to a shadowy figure who seems always to hover just out of reach.

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智利圣何塞铜矿救援隧道打通,33名受困矿工有望获救,结束两个多月的地下生活。After more than two months trapped deep in a Chilean mine, 33 miners are enjoying tantalizingly close to rescue.

朋友们说,就在几周前,皮戈特差点就成功了,但本森挣脱了,如今她永远不会是他的了。Just weeks ago, Mr. Piggott was tantalizingly close, friends say, but Benson broke free and now she will never be his.

在不到三年的时间内,发放的蚊帐数目已非常接近2008年确定的3.5亿顶的目标。In less than three years, the number of nets distributed has come tantalizingly close to the target of 350 million set in 2008.

在他大学法律学习生涯的最后两个月,这个28岁的人突然发现他面临毕业但却找不到一份工作。Suddenly, with two months remaining in his law-school education, the 28-year-old found himself tantalizingly close to a degree and no place to apply it.

道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数则逼近了11000点大关,周一盘中一度距这一关口还不足12点。该指数周一收于10973.55点,上涨46.48点。The Dow Jones Industrial Average came tantalizingly close to reaching 11000, and at one point was within 12 points, before closing at 10973.55, up 46.48.

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而引人注意的是,催眠却和个人是否容易投入某些活动有关,例如阅读、听音乐与做白日梦。The trait has, however, been linked tantalizingly with an individual's ability to become absorbed in activities such as reading, listening to music or daydreaming.

我在东京米勒的办公室见到他时,他沮丧地承认,他和塜本胜巳眼看就要找到新生日本鳗鲡的父母了。When I met Miller in his Tokyo office, he ruefully acknowledged that he and Tsukamoto have come tantalizingly close to finding the parents of Japanese eel hatchlings.

具有强大疗效的抗艾滋病毒药物期盼已久的到来了,因为它可以将人体中的病毒清除,使血液中的HIV病毒含量低于检测标准而不能被测及。Powerful anti-HIV drugs have come tantalizingly close to eradicating the virus from people, driving the blood level of HIV so low that standard tests cannot detect it.

但我们已经有能力给予F.D.A.所需的一切资源去聘请所需的检查员,并且授予这些检查员足够的权利去做好他们的本职工作。But we are tantalizingly close to giving the F.D.A. the resources it needs to hire enough inspectors -- and the authority it needs to empower those inspectors to do their jobs.

但这桩转会目前陷于尴尬的境地,“红魔”已经和皇马达成一致,但坎比亚索本人就是不同意。It is a frustrating situation for the Red Devils as they are -in theory at least- tantalizingly close to completing the deal after having reached an agreement with Real Madrid.

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过去三周内,中国当局对进行某种形式政策转变的暗示几乎是呼之欲出.中国人民银行设定的人民币兑美元中间价创下一系列纪录高位,本周一也不例外.In the past three weeks, China has come tantalizingly close to signaling some sort of a policy shift. The PBOC has fixed the yuan mid-point at a series of record highs, and did so yet again on Monday.