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暴民政治?Mob rule?

“外婆”规则。The “Grandma” rule.

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这都是铁律。These are iron rule.

第二条,不能喝粥。Rule two, no porridge.

这是十秒法则。It's a ten-second rule.

规则集是附加的。Rule Sets are additive.

这只是其中一条规则。There is only one rule.

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这是公司的一个规定。This is a company rule.

但不要将它们排除在外。But don't rule them out.

这就是10秒钟准则。It’s the 10-second rule.

但是,规则同样适用。But the same rule applies.

阿曼尼将会再度统治世界!Da Amani gonna rule again!

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阿曼尼会再次统治这片土地的!Da Amani gonna rule again!

他的统治风头正盛。His rule had begun better.

摆事实。Rule 3-Give him the facts.

第四条规矩是绝不说谎。The fourth rule is no lies.

这就是内德·斯塔克规则。This is the Ned Stark Rule.

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这个规定仍然有效。This rule still holds good.

另一个规律是平常。Another rule is averageness.

善政的核心是德治。Its core is a virtuous rule.