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吾从火中来,于火焰中重生。We come from the fire in flames rebirth.

今年标志着美国公告牌音乐奖的重生。This year marks the Billboard Awards' rebirth.

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相反的情景是重生或伤病痊愈。The reverse is experiencing rebirth or healing.

斯考特将这称为一个“死亡和重生的过程”。Draves calls it a “process of death and rebirth.

也许,一个国家的灵魂也会因此重生。Mayhap , they will rebirth the soul of a nation.

信托业开始脱胎换骨?。Is the Beginning of Rebirth for the Trust Sector?

四季轮回总是带给我启迪。I’m always inspired by the rebirth of the seasons.

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春天。万物复苏。万象跟新的季节。Springtime-a season for rebirth and new beginings.

为什麽鸡、猪、牛会堕落为畜生?Why chickens, pigs, and cows would rebirth as animals?

修护受损的强胞令细胞再生。Injured cell ream of repair and maintenance cell rebirth.

第三章着重分析玛丽安重生为主体的过程。Chapter three focuses on the rebirth of Marian as subject.

蕾葆丝羊胎盘素抗皱绵羊油有着与众不同的配方。Rebirth Placenta anti-wrinkle has a very unique formulation.

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凤凰本非凡俗鸟,浴火重生更逍遥。Phoenix this non-mediocre bird, the bath fire rebirth is freer.

在一个偶然,我遇到了安,就一眼,我就知道,她,是我的新生。Suddenly, I met An. I know she is my rebirth at my first sight.

化险为夷冷却时间从20分钟收缩到10分钟。Rebirth cooldown has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes.

深吻子眸,伴你万世轮回。I kiss your eyes, accompanying you going through eternal rebirth.

凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。Phoenix is the rebirth of Nirvana, pheasant rebirth is Evil Dead.

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这一时间更为合理,因为春天是万物复苏、万象更新的时节。This makes more sense as spring is a time of rebirth and renewal.

胡本希望写本书,详细叙述他的精神创伤和他的“重生”。Houben hopes to write a book detailing his trauma and his "rebirth".

这同时也是一个充满希望的体验吗?毁灭之后迎来的通常是浴火重生。Was it also a hopeful experience? Decline often gives way to rebirth.