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鞭子啪地一声抽在马屁股上。The whip cracked down on the horse's rump.

分众传媒将保持一小部分广告业务。Focus Media would retain a rump ad business.

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看到花坪间他正使劲的臀部Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds

无论如何,部队的残余都是软弱无能的。In any event, the rump of the army is rotten.

这周我们要快一点。This week we are going to get on a bit of a rump.

鞭子啪地一声抽在马屁股上。He sent the horse forward with a slap on its rump.

他想再加一点胡椒粉给他的菲力牛排调味。He wanted a little more pepper to spice up his rump steak.

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雅虎尽管规模仍可观,但是看起来所剩不多了。But Yahoo, despite its size, will start looking like a rump.

臀部被厚厚的被毛覆盖,形成裙裤,或短裤。The rump area is heavily coated and forms culottes or pants.

头、胸和尾为紫红色的北美洲小雀鸟。North American finch having a raspberry-red head and breast and rump.

它与黄金嵴和臀部和鲜红的身体无误。It is unmistakable with its golden crest and rump and bright red body.

造反势力是由觊觎王位者领导的。A humiliated pretender governed a rump kingdom from Bourges in the south.

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测量了胎儿冠-臀长、头长和胎盘直径。The length of crown rump and head, and diameter of placenta were measured.

它的头部、尾部、胸部和腹部呈白色,背部和翅膀均呈深灰色。It is white on the head, rump and underparts and dark grey on the back and wings.

新苏丹也因没有从同意南部苏丹分家的决定中获得从回报而感到恼火。Rump Sudan is also miffed at the lack of rewards it has received for letting the south go.

它们的臀部和尾巴是白色的,看起来好像穿着白裤衩。The white is on the rump and tail, which looks as though they were wearing white underpants.

他向我展示了臀部牛排和臀部烤肉,然后给了我一块有骨头的牛腩和一把锋利的小刀。He shows me rump roasts and rump steaks, and then gives me the bone-in sirloin and a sharp knife.

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而且为了体验勇猛的感觉,他从自己的尾部拔下了一根羽毛,这让他觉得很不高兴。And for a dashing touch, he plucked a tail feather from his rump , which left him feeling rather cross.

特徵是脸部和背部有延伸开来的深棕色的条纹,以及淡红色的尾部和棕色短耳。Distinguished by dark brown stripes that run down both its face and back, a reddish rump and short brown ears.

从头顶到臀部她长约一英寸到1.25英寸,体重还不足半盎司。She measures about an inch to an inch and a quarter from crown to rump and still weighs less than half an ounce