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它是一个很有粘性的服务。It is a sticky service.

六条黏糊糊的吸盘棒。Six sticky sucker sticks.

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想一盒子青蛙一样黏。Sticky as a box of frags.

油漆还是黏的。The paint is still sticky.

他的手指上因有果酱而发粘。His fingers are sticky with jam.

这糨糊不黏。This paste is not sticky enough.

圆筒型黏胶式诱虫器。Fig. 1. Cylinder-type sticky trap.

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哦,对不起。我的手粘乎乎的。Oh, I'm sorry. My hands are sticky.

蜘蛛丝又细又白又粘。The silk is thin, white and sticky.

她把粘糊糊的平底锅内壁擦干净了。She scraped out the sticky saucepan.

没有飞镖的聚会将是怎样的呢?What's a party without sticky darts?

我用粘胶带把包裹封好。I sealed the parcel with sticky tape.

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这地板上黏糊糊的是什么东西?What's this sticky suff on the floor?

你给史蒂夫写留言条了吗?Did you leave a sticky note for Steve?

变凉的时候更粘。It is way more sticky when it is cold.

地板上这坨粘糊的东西是什么?What's this sticky stuff on the floor?

凡坏人没有好下场。Bad people always come to a sticky end.

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就像黏黏的胶囊注满了冻糊糊。Like sticky capsules filled with jelly.

玻璃渣和桔汁到处都是。Glass and sticky juice spread everywhere.

她的手因沾上了冰淇淋而黏乎乎的。Her hands were sticky from the ice cream.