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好了你先安心的养病。Well you at ease and recuperate.

他去乡下养病去了。He went to the country to recuperate.

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她去乡村休养。She went to the country to recuperate.

现在,桑德尔只要休息一分钟就会恢复过来。And now Sandel would recuperate in the minute of rest.

天然竹提取物调理发丝润泽度,修护发质。Natural bamboo extract, hair nourishing, recuperate repair hair.

这位病人并没有像医生所期望的那样很快就复原。The patient did not recuperate as rapidly as the doctor had expected.

鞘膜积液手术后该怎样调理?。After scabbard film accumulates fluid operation how should recuperate?

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谁知道喝什么茶能平复心态,调理身体?Knows to drink what tea can be pacified state of mind, recuperate the body?

等到裁判把他们拉开的时候,他所看到的,已经是一个身体复原的青年。When the referee thrust them apart, there, before his eyes, he saw Youth recuperate.

无需药物治疗,人们应该在适当的时候休息,恢复身体。There is no drug treatment, but people should take adequate time to rest and recuperate.

这是生物体得到休息和大脑神经细胞休养生息的必需时间。This is the time necessary for the organism to rest and enables brain neurons to recuperate.

蒙方邀请60名青海玉树地震灾区学生来蒙休养。Mongolia will invite 60 students from the quake-hit area in Qinghai to recuperate in Mongolia.

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痔疮只有饮食调理这个方案最好吗?手术也不能根除是吗?Does only food recuperate haemorrhoid is this plan best? Is the operation ineradicable also be?

1867年,室利罗摩克里希纳回到了卡玛普库儿,复原因苦修而受到损害的身体。In 1867 Sri Ramakrishna returned to Kamarpukur to recuperate from the effect of his austerities.

新陈代谢失调要怎么调理?早上起来和蜂蜜有用吗?会不会胖呢?Is metabolism maladjusted how should recuperate? Rise in the morning and is honey useful? Can fat?

环境质量得分为9.0,说明该公园康复休疗水平高,适宜开发度假、疗养旅游项目。Environment quality scored 9.0, Show the park has high healing level, adapt to holiday and recuperate.

医疗性的喂食,可以让孩子们经过四至六个星期的休养,恢复健康。With therapeutic feeding a child can fully recuperate in a matter of four to six weeks, " said Mercado.

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好了,说完这些以后,一个理论家该如何,为一些特定的名字,比如,他自己的,恢复尊严呢?All right. With all this said, how can the theorist recuperate honor for certain names like, for example, his own?

从ICU转出之后,在回家之前你的孩子要在医院的另一个单元里恢复几天。After discharged from the ICU, your child will recuperate on another hospital unit for a few days before going home.

那是一个适合传教士休息、恢复的自然之地,最重要的是能让奎师那知觉更深入。It's the natural place for a preacher to rest, recuperate and, most importantly, go deeper into Krsna consciousness.