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酒精是树脂性物质的溶媒。Alcohol is a solvent of resinous substances.

本发明还公开了与其相关的树脂组合物。Also disclosed are resinous compositions related thereto.

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然后,研究了阳离子树脂型AKD施胶工艺的影响因素。Secondly, the sizing technics of resinous AKD was studied.

这是说人树脂般的心的一种转变This is another turn on that image of man's "resinous heart."

这是说人树脂般的心的一种转变“This is another turn on that image of man's "resinous heart."

有机橡胶经过风蚀后,逐呈现出树脂状的外表。Organic rubbers develop a resinous surface crust through weathering.

取自一种非洲树木的坚硬的柯巴脂。A resinous copal or a fossilized resin of these trees, used in varnishes and enamels.

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被轻微烤过的松子加上它本身淡淡的树脂香是这道菜最完美的装饰。Lightly toasted pine nuts, with their slightly resinous flavor, are the perfect garnish.

西印度群岛的一种树,有开芳香白花的总状花序,产一种经久耐用木材和含树脂的汁液。West Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers and yielding a durable timber and resinous juice.

漆业是天然树脂涂料,素有“涂料之王”的美誉。The lacquer industry deals with a natural resinous varnish, which is always acknowledged as the "King of Coating."

PVC是聚氯乙烯树脂的简称,聚氯乙烯是线型热塑型聚合物。PVC is abbreviation of polyvinyl chloride resinous , polyvinyl chloride is a line model thermoplastic model polymer.

一种普通的杂交树,有粘的、芳香的、树脂状的芽和心形的叶子,做为遮荫树养植。A poplar tree of hybrid origin, with sticky, aromatic, resinous buds and heart-shaped leaves, cultivated as a shade tree.

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蜂胶是一种树脂混合物,是蜜蜂从树芽、树汁液,或其他植物上收集而来的产品。Propolis or bee glue is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources.

他发现,带有玻璃质电的物体彼此排斥,但与带树脂质电的物体则相吸引。He discovered that objects charged with vitreous electricity repel each other but attract objects charged with resinous electricity.

一种加热时柔软流动而冷却即凝固的富含虫胶和松脂的树脂品,用于给信件、电池或罐子封口。A resinous preparation of shellac and turpentine that is soft and fluid when heated but solidifies upon cooling, used to seal letters, batteries, or jars.

作者对目前国内PVC树脂的生产销售形势、市场行情及价格走势进行了精辟的剖析。The author is right at present production of domestic PVC resinous sells situation, market level and price to go situation undertook be analysinged incisively.

他想了一下,砍下一条多脂的树枝,在走私贩子们准备早餐的火堆上点燃了它,然后举着这支火把又下到洞里。He thought a moment, cut a branch of a resinous tree, lighted it at the fire at which the smugglers had prepared their breakfast, and descended with this torch.

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血竭是一种“从不同植物中提取的黑红色树脂状物质”,在中药中长久以来被用于治疗溃疡及外伤。They describe dragon's blood as a "dark red resinous substance derived from various plants" that has long been used in Chinese medicine to treat conditions including ulcers and wounds.

蜂胶是一种独特的树脂所收集的物质蜜蜂从花蕾和树汁,这是蜂箱中使用,以保护蜜蜂从各种炎症和保持新鲜蜂王浆。Propolis is a unique resinous substance collected by bees from flower buds and tree sap, which is used in beehives to protect honeybees from various inflammations and keep royal jelly fresh.

蜂胶是一种树脂物,由蜜蜂从花朵、花蕊,叶芽,树皮,尤其是榆树皮中采集而得,并作为蜂窝的建筑材料之一。Propolis is a resinous substance, which bees collect from flowers and floral buttons, buds, barks of trees, especially from elms, and is used as a type of cement in the construction of the beehive.