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我痛恨他的独断作风。I resent his dictatorial manner.

我不喜欢他那幅专横的态度。I dislike his dictatorial manner.

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进步的领导者,然而,不应该是专横的。Progressive leaders, however, are not supposed to be dictatorial.

而社会主义体制则意味着领袖人物拥有无限制的专制权力。A socialist system implies unlimited dictatorial powers of the chief.

事实上它是一种很是专制专政的政治体制。Actually, its simply a very authoritarian, dictatorial political regime.

同时,由于爱发号施令的倾向,处女也会变成一个怨言不断令人厌烦的人。Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity.

专制制度和民主制度的区别何在?What are the differences between "Dictatorial system" and "Democratic system"?

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在专制和腐败政府的管理下,人们失去了道德观。Under a dictatorial and corrupt government, people have lost their moral values.

毕竟,它可能是从一种**的宪政到民主宪政的转型。After all, it could be the transformation from a dictatorial constitution to a democracy.

1861年农奴制改革以后,俄国专制制度迅速向资产阶级君主制演变。After servant system reform in 1861, Russian dictatorial system transformed into capitalist monarchy system fast.

提出这项修正案的理由是,这样做可防止未来的总统独断专行。The rationale for the amendment was that it would prevent future presidents from attempting to claim dictatorial powers.

从前,我总不懂父亲为什幺对那些脾气跟他不一样的人采取那么个态度。那么专制!一点儿“你好我好”也没有。Father's attitude toward anybody who wasn't his kind used to puzzle. It was so dictatorial. There was no live and let live about it.

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在宗教观方面,他高扬理性和人文主义精神,表现出从主宰之天向自然之天过渡的时代特征。In religion, he advocated reason and humanism, an indicative feature of the transition from a dictatorial Heaven to the natural Heaven.

中国古代的文化专制制度既是专制政治制度在思想文化领域的体现,又是专制政治制度得以实现的重要保障。Cultural dictatorial system in ancient China is both the reflection of dictatorial system in ideology and the assurance of its realization.

南宋大将岳飞就像是非凡的猛虎,对部下力求同甘共苦,对子女则严厉管教。Southern Song Dynasty General Yue Fei was a tiger of unusual stripe, as fiercely egalitarian to his men as he was dictatorial to his children.

伊利亚“喀山,一个被认为是与他的同行一样,易怒、难相处、专横的,主要是以少数演员的形象为合作者。Elis Kazan, who could be as passionate, difficult and dictatorial as any of his peers, will live on primarily through the images of a handful of actors.

文章对专制集权与社会的组织化间的关系以及如何推动民主化问题作了重点剖析。The essay mainly expounds the relationships between the dictatorial centralization and social systemization as well as how to push the democracy forward.

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但专制与反专制的斗争没有停止,俄罗斯人民的革命传统得到发杨。But never stopped the struggle between the dictatorial and the antiauthoritarian, in which the revolutionary tradition of the Russian people was carried forward.

第一是认为中国政府是专制、集权政府,而专制政府必然是不得人心,得不到民众支持的政府。One is that they take it for granted that the dictatorship is surely lose the support of the people, so dose the dictatorial and totalitarian Chinese government.

第三个班则严格限定最后期限。他们必须在第4周、第8周和第12周分别提交三份论文。他们没有选择性,也没有一点灵活性。The third class was given dictatorial orders. They would have to submit their three papers on week 4, 8, and 12 respectively. Their was no choice or flexibility.