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为什么指挥官杰克·菲斯科被杀害了?Why is Commander Jack Fisk killed?

fisk在丹麦语里就是鱼的意思。Fisk apparently means “fish” in Danish.

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罗伯特·菲斯克和约翰·辛普森都已60开外。Robert Fisk and John Simpson are in their mid-60s.

费斯克提出了大众文化的生产与接受是一个双向过程。Fisk proposes that it is a two-way exchanging process for the producer and the receiver of mass culture.

手术,根据Fisk大学Swan博士的话,被用于那些被认为在政治上活跃的黑人囚犯的身上。The operations, according to Dr. Swan of Fisk University, were done on black prisoners who were considered politically active.

约翰富兰克林希望首先研究在菲斯克大学后,在哈佛大学,在那里他获得硕士和博士学位。John Hope Franklin studied first at Fisk University then at Harvard University, where he earned master's and doctorate degrees.

于是这两个人就把格兰特的一位亲戚也拉进了他们的计划之中,他们给他钱,让他给总统写信,在信中,他要求总统暂停政府出售黄金。Government sales of gold would keep the price down. So, Gould and Fisk urged President Grant to stop the Treasury Department from selling gold.

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极好的斯德哥尔摩图片。斯德哥尔摩的安曼拉迪森皇家维京酒店是恰好次于中央车站和自夸有459房间,以及著名的斯德哥尔摩菲斯克餐馆。Stockholm's Radisson SAS Royal Viking Hotel is right next to Central Station and boasts 459 rooms, as well as the famous Stockholm Fisk restaurant.

杜博斯在田纳西州那什维尔的费斯克大学念了两年大学,然后又在哈佛大学取得他的学士及博士学位。Du Bois went on to attend Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, for two years and then went on to earn his B. A. and Ph. D. from Harvard University.

约翰和他的妻子在60年代初期民权运动如火如荼的时候,曾就读于菲斯克大学,那是田纳西州纳什维尔市的一所黑人学校。John and his wife had gone to Fisk University, a black school in Nashville, Tennessee, in the early sixties, when the civil rights movement was in full flower.