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促进组件的重用。Facilitate reuse of components.

许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。Modern inventions facilitate housework.

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促进协作预算编制和规划。Facilitate collaborative budgeting and planning.

多饮水,以利尿酸排出。More water, in order to facilitate uric acid excretion.

为方便电脑处理,请以英文正楷填写。To facilitate processing, please fill in block letters.

这些产品将复制成光碟以便于生产。These will be copied onto a CD to facilitate production.

州应该怎样应法律要求帮助登记?How should states facilitate enrolment, as required by law?

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如果他们再合作些就容易多了。It would facilitate matters if they were more co-operative.

能从五金市场方便买到通用的板牙头。From the hardware market to facilitate buy generic die head.

推行政务公开,方便群众办事和监督。Implementation of open, facilitate the masses and supervise.

双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges.

推进代加工厂的月度加工费结算。Facilitate the monthly toll fee settlement with the co-packer.

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新的袋子是细胞培养的无菌操作变的容易。The new bags facilitate the sterile handling of cell cultures.

BIRT提供了数据浏览视图以简化该任务。To facilitate this task, BIRT provides the Data Explorer View.

到目前为止,网站已超过145000促进成功交易。So far, the site has facilitate over 145,000 successful trades.

一切有利于对外开放的政策都会坚持下去。We will stick to all those policies that facilitate opening-up.

硬编码的值不仅没有提高灵活性,反而拟制了灵活性。Hard-coded values don't facilitate flexibility, they inhibit it.

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到目前为止,该网站已有超过14.5万个成功交换的例子。So far, the site has facilitate over 145, 000 successful trades.

系统方便了学生选课和查分。System to facilitate the selection of students and check points.

本论坛,为方便广大同学浏览,开放注册。The forum, to facilitate the majority of students here, open up.