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水族箱是用什么制造的?为什么?What is an aquarium made of?Why?

他们把白化鳐鱼送到水族馆。They handed it in to an aquarium.

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你曾经去过水族馆吗?Have you ever been to an aquarium?

他在那家宠物店买了一个养鱼缸。He bought an aquarium at the pet store.

蒙特里湾水族馆还是一个教育中心。The aquarium is also an education center.

越美水族,让您心满意足!Yuemei aquarium make satisfaction to you!

珍妮特和西蒙看玻璃缸鲨鱼。Janet and Simon are at the Shark Aquarium.

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你可以工作在水族馆或者动物园。You may also work in an aquarium or a zoo.

梦幻水族馆的鱼儿们想知道当前时间。Aquarium fishes want to know the current time.

人类把我倒进田园的养鱼池里。Human poured into my garden where the aquarium.

它们有一个水族馆,还有自然历史。They have an aquarium. They have natural history.

养鱼用的鱼缸有木盆和陶瓦盆。In the aquarium fish bowl and ceramic made of wood.

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你是否能感受到鱼与景之间的协调?Do you feel harmony in fish and the aquarium layout?

对新进鱼只适应水族箱环境有很好的帮助。To help new fish to fit the environment of aquarium.

蒙特里海湾水族馆也致力于挽救海獭。Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter.

蓬莱海洋极地世界是亚洲最大的海洋世界。Ocean Aquarium of Penglai is Asian largest ocean world.

水族馆将该鲨鱼养在一个容量达100万加仑的水箱中。The aquarium houses the shark in a million-gallon tank.

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海洋馆以前票价是80,现在不知道多少。Aquarium before the fare is 80 now do not know how many.

杜克最豪华的装饰就是角落里的一个鱼缸。Duke’s fanciest decoration is an aquarium in the corner.

蒙特雷湾水族馆是从海鱼身上赚钱的。The Monterey Bay Aquarium makes money off of ocean fish.