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所有我需要你做的就是将其动画化。All I need you to do is animate it.

我喜欢看卡通片,众泰萧山改装厂,喜欢有生机的动物。I like animate animals and I enjoy watching animation.

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起初,我们只能用GIF动画图片。Initially, we could only animate with GIF image files.

寂静的室内唯一有生气的东西就是那架钟。The clock was the only animate thing in the quiet room.

阿非常高的质量模型。我也许有一天这个动画。Ah a very high quality model. I may animate this some day.

可随时间做出文字的色泽与亮度变化。The ability to animate sheen and lights on text over time.

比如说,可以让对象在两个状态间变化。You can, for example, animate an object between two states.

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安慰忧伤者,鼓励心灵疲乏者是你的目标。Aim to comfort the sorrowful, and to animate the desponding.

比方说,您可以变化高度、宽度、不透明度和位置。For example, you can animate height, width, opacity, or position.

你几乎可以将任何放在页面上的图片或者文本动画化。You can animate almost any graphic image or text you put on the page.

有时你想要拉动你的角色骨骼通过程序。Sometimes you want to animate the bones of your character procedurally.

一个在线工具,可为你制作头像和动画图片。Alpoy – an online tool that can make avatar and animate picture for you.

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此外,您不能简单地用这种方法对表格里的每一行添加动画效果。In addition, you can’t easily animate individual rows of a table this way.

该钻机的FBX应该开始动画,就像它在转换器的观众一样。The FBX rig should start to animate just like it did in the converter viewer.

这些叶子能保持几天的生命力,然后变成泥土滋养着地球母亲。They remain live and animate days before decomposing to nourish mother earth.

如果做一个黏土动画玩偶来做几乎是不可能的。That would have been next to impossible to animate with a traditional Aardman puppet.

这就存在着如何把马克思抽象化的理论运用于活生生的现实的问题。And this induced the issue as how to use Marxian abstract theory in the animate reality.

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同时,对于电影制作方法,他们在情节板上使人物在初步勾画时就生动了!Meanwhile, for the cinematics, they animate the storyboard using rough-draft characters.

最令人愉快和高效的地方在于标签可以使先前具有惰性的对象充满活力。What will be most pleasant and effective is that tabs can animate objects previously inert.

然后,您可以为每一个元素/对象添加动画效果了。Then, you can animate each element individually. To ungroup a chart or table, do the following