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她在二楼的小教室里。She is in the classroom.

在教室里养宠物。Have pets in the classroom.

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我在教室里昏过去了。I fainted in the classroom.

李磊在教室里。Li Lei is in the classroom.

他可能在教室里。Maybe he is in the classroom.

他们的教室是个亮堂的教室。Theirs is a bright classroom.

这是我的英语课室。This is my English classroom.

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我们教室前有两棵树。There two trees our classroom.

所有的课堂式摆台,要预留客人通到。The classroom keep the pass way.

教室被我们打扫过。The classroom was cleaned by us.

好的。我的黑板擦完了。I put an eraser in the classroom.

课堂是炎热,阿达马说。The classroom is hot, Adama says.

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教室整齐清洁。The classroom was clean and tidy.

在音乐教室里有一架钢琴。There's a piano in the classroom.

是我们的教学大楼。They are our classroom buildings.

或者你可以回你的教室了。You may return to your classroom.

我们的教室周围有一圈篱笆。A fence runs around our classroom.

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然而,科先生的课堂却是避风港。But Mr. K’s classroom was a haven.

韩梅不可能在教室里。Han Mei can't be in the classroom.

请在教室里保持安静。Please ebe quiet in the classroom.