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这张票据已到期。The bill is due.

比尔和克琳。Bill and Colleen.

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比尔转向我了。Bill turned to me.

最后,我签发了法案。I signed the bill.

喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

谁会为这些买单?Who foots the bill?

与喇嘛相处愉快。Bill and Loden Lama.

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我可以签单吗?Can I sign the bill?

他付了他的账款。He anted up his bill.

看到这张美钞吗?See this dollar bill?

我可签单挂账吗?Could I sign the bill?

这账单你付好吗?Will you pay the bill?

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比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。Bill preened his beard.

比尔,你扶不起我的。Bill you can't lift me.

入到我的房帐吧。Charge to my room bill.

我有一张5美元的钞票。I have a 5-dollar bill.

我来把您的账单改过来。I'll correct your bill.

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这是提货单。This is bill of lading.

意外碰到了比尔·莫瑞。Met up with Bill Murray.

她积欠了一大笔账。She ran up a large bill.