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运行它。Run it.

必须要跑操。Must run.

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还不能运行。Do not run yet.

运行店子!Run a sub shop!

这下我跑不掉了。I could not run.

机会都跑光了。Run out of luck.

运行效用。Run the utility.

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你能跑得快吗?Can you run fast?

我要跑上来。I want to run up.

跑切线的路线。Run the tangents.

阿兰开始跑了起来。Alan began to run.

它能运行孤岛危机么?。Can it run Crysis?

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即,你们是否要参选Do you run or not?

他开始又跑起来。He started to run.

我再也跑不动了。I can run no more.

景气状况周期性地出现。Booms run in cycle.

怎样才能跑垒得分?How is a run score?

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我经营一个餐车。I run a dining car.

我跑的比他还快。I run fast than he.

让我们再运行一次。Let's run it again.