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香木缘是一种像柠檬的黄色水果。Citron is a kind of yellow fruit like a lemon.

我们买了一些阅兵,苹果、橘子、西瓜和巧克力。We buy some moon cakes, apple, oranges, citron and Coke.

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所以蜂蜜柚子茶对减肥有是非常有帮助的。Honey citron tea on weight loss so there is very helpful.

枸橼酸莫沙必利片的疗效?。Does citron acid not need dene benefit piece curative effect?

香橼绿茶是日本煎绿茶和香橼果实的混合。Citron Green is a melodic blend of Japanese sencha green tea with citrus fruit.

它的花园里长着一些柠檬和橘子树,门前立着很高的棕榈。Orange and citron trees grew in the garden, and before the door stood lofty palms.

爱上了柚子茶与柠檬的混合味道,手已经离不开杯子了。Fell in love with citron tea mixed with lemon flavor, cup a hand can not do without.

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对杂交枸树木质部进行了硫酸盐法和APMP制浆性能的试验。Kraft pulping and APMP pulping of the xylem of hybridized citron tree were investigated.

本文用沙田柚废弃果皮制备出一种对重金属离子有很好吸附性能的生物质吸附剂。In the present work, citron peel was prepared into a metal ion adsorbent with good performance.

坚持服用蜂蜜柚子茶3个月,就可以达到“改变体质”的作用。Persist in taking the honey citron tea 3 months, you can achieve "change the constitution" role.

结果表明,气调具有增强红桔油松节油及柠檬油的杀虫效果,对柠檬叶油的增强作用最为明显。CA proved to enhance the insecticidal action of the plant aromatic oils, especially that of citron oil.

佛手瓜生长在非洲南部,作为一种西瓜祖先的候选瓜。The citron melon, which grows in southern Africa, is one popular candidate for the watermelon's ancient ancestor.

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中等甜度的发酵卷,含有香料、葡萄干和香橼,用十字形的糖釉装饰。Moderately sweet raised roll containing spices and raisins and citron and decorated with a cross-shaped sugar glaze.

特别是绿茶、特种茶以及近几年发展创制的绿色保健茶。乌龙茶、银杏茶、苦丁茶、佛手茶、花卉茶都是堪称中国独有的。Can weighs the tea of oolong, ginkgo, tea that suffer from man, fingered citron tea, flowers tea China is particular.

西特恩认为他并不畏惧将一种新的技术引入到由大型的老牌公司所统治的市场中。Citron said he is not concerned about bringing a new technology to markets dominated by big, established competitors.

它特别对于经常便秘、容易生暗疮的人,服用蜂蜜柚子茶可以很好的改善这些症状。It is especially for frequent constipation, easy acne who take honey citron tea can be good to improve these symptoms.

它里面有一棵象椽树,两棵不同种类的李树,一行椰子树。Its properties consisted of a citron tree, a couple of plum trees of different varieties, and a row of cocoanut trees.

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专为自信性感的年轻女郎设计,迪奥晶采魅惑桃色女士香水既有生柚的新鲜感又不乏来自丛林的诱惑。For the assertive yet sensual young woman, Dior Addict Shine combines a glorious fusion of citron freshness and woody seduction.

尽管这种水果果皮占了大部分,你也可以用它来酿果汁、做果酱、制成调味料,你甚至可以拿它来洗衣服。Although hit's mostly rind, you can use this fingered citron to infuse drinks, make marmalade, in a zesty dressing —or even to do laundry.

该款车型将有标致和雪铁龙两个版本,将首先在地中海国家、中东和非洲市场销售。The car, to be sold in both Peugeot and Citron versions, would initially be marketed in Mediterranean countries, the Middle East and Africa.