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房子的装潢设计是殖民地风格的。The style of the house is a colonial.

苔藓虫是有趣的殖民动物。Bryozoans are interesting colonial creatures.

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这是1930年代具有殖民地特色的夏威夷住家。This home is a 1930’s colonial Hawaiian home.

这是个遵守纪律的好榜样。It is a classic example of colonial architecture.

这个殖民政策产生了深远的影响。The colonial policy exerted far-reaching influence.

荷兰是印民在殖民时期的宗主国。The Netherlands is Indonesia's former colonial master.

巴基斯坦的亵渎神明法发端于殖民时代。Pakistan's blasphemy laws date back to the colonial era.

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殖民地的人民要赢得解放惟有通过斗争。Colonial people could win liberation only through Struggle.

即使在殖民地时代,政府允许奖券。Even in colonial times, the government permitted lotteries.

事实上,无论汉堡包还是意大利面条都体现不了霸权主义。Neither the burger nor pasta manifests a colonial hegemony.

我从不具有令人羡慕的殖民地特性-诙谐的幽默。I never acquired that admirable colonial quality-good humour.

鸟瞰新格拉纳达十字路口周边的殖民地建筑Overhead view of Granada's colonial buildings and crossroads.

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离开海滩,西班牙殖民时期的风采在这座城市随处可见。Away from the beach, the city abounds with Spanish colonial charm.

凯诺是美国国会历史学会副主席,他说采用宗教象征的想法源于美国以前的宗主国----英国。He says the idea came from England, America's former colonial power.

殖民地的士兵是如何藉由一首歌的帮助,打赢独立战争的?How did a song help the Colonial soldiers win the Revolutionary War?

英国从其广大的殖民地撤退是一个漫长的历史进程。There was a long historical process of Britain's colonial withdrawl.

早期殖民历险无一例外地无利可图。Without exception, the earliest colonial ventures were unprofitable.

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殖民时期的美洲很需要巡回传教士。There was a strong demand for itinerant preachers in colonial America.

康联银行成为美国今年最大的倒闭银行。Colonial BancGroup has become the biggest US bank to collapse this year.

这位不择手段的总督企图破坏鲁恩殖民地运动会。The unscrupulous governor attempted to sabotage the Roon Colonial Games.