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因此据我揣测这也是一个双关语。So presumably this, too, is a pun.

他会用拳头把你打得稀巴烂。He would pun you into shivers with his fist.

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那广告用语与其产品名称一语双关。The slogan is a pun on the name of the product.

就双关语本身来说,它几乎是不可译的。As for a pun itself, it is almost untranslatable.

可能作者一语双关,用火车暗指“轨迹”。Some sort of pun on the word 'tracks' may be intended.

修辞有夸张、比喻、对偶、双关等方法。Have exaggerated rhetoric, metaphor, dual, pun and other methods.

一个由潘德恕和一群舞者在艺术村的热身表演。A warm-up show by a group of dancers and Pun in Oil Street Art Village.

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朱利安·墨菲将避孕与厨具的概念结合在一起,其作品展现了一物双关的效果。Julian Murphy combines contraception and kitchenware for the sake of a pun.

于是,他想用一句双关语来辟谣,凯撒说"余非君"And so, he tried to diffuse that with a pun by saying, Non sum rex said Caesar.

双关的大量运用使广告语言新奇、幽默、简洁并且更具鼓动性。Pun makes advertising language novel, humorous, succinct, and hence persuasive.

检验棉、毛、麻、绢、丝等条子及粗纱的均匀度。Test evenness of sliver and roving of cotton, wool, twine, pun silk and silk etc.

在这里马克思一语双关地用它来表达地心和财富两重意思。Here Marx makes a pun with Plutus to express both the core of the earth and wealth.

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这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.

伟斌现时深造研究生课程,计划取得更高学历之后到跨国公司工作。After finishing postgraduate studies, Wai Pun plans to work for an international company.

大学委任黄国彬教授为翻译学讲座教授,任期由二零零六年八月一日起生效。Prof. Laurence Wong Kwok Pun has been appointed professor of translation from 1st August 2006.

“假使我们不团结在一起,我们将分开被绞死”是班哲明富兰克林的一句有名的双关语。We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately" is a famous pun by Benjamin Franklin."

即使这整个计划被证明可能,成本也是一个天文数字----这纯粹是在开玩笑。Even if this whole scheme was proven possible, the costs would be astronomical — pun fully intended.

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记忆中的他,声音温和、两眼炯炯有神,一个双关语、一段笑话,会使他的浓眉滑稽地飞舞。I remember a warm voice, expressive eyes, and bushy eyebrows that wiggled comically at a pun or a joke.

两位来自绰越一客户的最高层管理人员与曾志祥及潘国梁谈话。Two key members of a Prosmart client's top management team chatting with Augustine Tsang and David Pun.

潘国梁重点讲述一家公司决定是否作好准备以提出特许经营时的检查清单。David Pun highlighting the check one word list in determining whether a company is ready for franchising.