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看看现在的数据中心。Look at a datacenter today.

几乎没有机构拥有完美的或近乎完美的数据中心正常运行时间。Very few organizations have perfect or near-perfect datacenter uptimes.

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DATALAYER是北印度的第一层至第四数据中心设在拉贾斯坦邦。DATALAYER is North INDIA's first TIER-IV datacenter located in rajasthan.

维护的数据中心和服务器越少,数据中心成本就越低。The fewer datacenters and servers that you maintain, the lower the datacenter costs.

传统的数据中心会一直运行,等待下一次处理或批量处理。The traditional datacenter is always on, waiting for the next processing or batch cycle.

今晚将会停机维护数据中心,请提前屯粮。Tonight we might have a downtime because of some maintenance in the datacenter. Fill your caches!

通过这样做,操作员就可以把数据中心的电力留给真正需要电力的服务器。By doing so, the operator can free up power across the datacenter for servers that really need the power.

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无论数据中心系统是否正在运行,都要为所有系统供电,因此一直需要冷却。Cooling is needed constantly, as is energy to power all datacenter systems, whether they are running or not.

实现绿色计算的最大难点在于服务器、机架和数据中心。The biggest challenges for implementing green computing revolve around the server, the rack, and the datacenter.

现代数据中心的一个主要问题是发热,这是我们决定选址在北部的另一个原因。One of the major issues in a modern datacenter is heat, which is another reason we decided to locate in the north.

绿色化运作、保持可用性等更多出色的特性是我们与仅仅是建造数据中心有所不同的东西。Going green, availability, and more “nines” are the things that can then set us apart from building just any datacenter.

类似于典型的数据中心运维,云也可以步入维护阶段,这样你可能需要进行动态调整。Like typical datacenter ops, clouds go into maintenance windows and so you may need to dynamically adjust to things like this.

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无论是全部或部分更换硬盘存储,SSD技术都是数据中心运营工具箱中的优秀工具之一。Whether total or partial replacement for hard disk storage, SSD technology is a good tool in the datacenter operations arsenal.

绿色的数据中心通常通过虚拟化软件尽可能充分地利用数据中心资源。Green datacenters typically are built around the idea of maximizing datacenter resources, using virtualization software as its underbelly.

我们可以借用部分Cassandra提供的独特功能来帮助那些存在多个数据中心并且需要处理大量复杂数据的项目。We can count on some of Cassandra's unique capabilities to aid projects that have multiple datacenter locations and large and complex bulk ingest demands.

在应用程序设计器和逻辑数据中心设计器中,选择“使用默认值”复选框会将修改过的设置改回其原始默认值。In Application Designer and Logical Datacenter Designer, selecting the Use Default check box changes a modified setting back to its original default value.

随着企业对数据中心的依赖性和数据容量的增加,冷却成本显著增加了,这使成本成为一个重要的因素。Cost also became a huge factor, as increased reliance on the datacenter and the increase in data capacity also required substantial increase in cooling costs.

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对于延迟敏感的应用,在数据中心的TCP超时并处在圆网络延误数百毫秒微秒程倍。For latency-sensitive applications, TCP timeouts in the datacenter impose delays of hundreds of milliseconds in networks with round-trip-times in microseconds.

近几年,尤其是随着服务器和数据中心整合的出现,已经出现了从分布式系统向数据中心转移的趋势。There has been a trend in recent years away from distributed systems and toward the datacenter, particular with the rise of servers and datacenter consolidation.

后续的演练演示如何设计应用程序系统,并根据数据中心的逻辑表示形式对该系统的部署进行评估。Subsequent walkthroughs demonstrate how to design an application system and evaluate the deployment of that system against a logical representation of a datacenter.