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特意的批评或虐待?Mean criticism or mistreatment?

学生们谈起当时遭受的拷问和虐待。Students spoke of torture and mistreatment.

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为什么上帝竟能容许、竟能忍受对自己儿子进行如此令人发指的虐待?Why did God allow and endure such ghastly, evil mistreatment?

临床医生的误诊误治,更加重了这种倾向。It was further aggravated by misdiagnosis and mistreatment in clinic.

后来,朱穆尔在一次虐待马的事故中不幸死亡。Drummle later dies in an accident involving the mistreatment of a horse.

目的讨论毒蜘蛛咬伤后的误诊误治。Objective Discuss misdiagnosis mistreatment after poisonous spider bite.

当然在不当使用的情况下,也会导致锂离子电池的爆炸。However certain kinds of mistreatment may cause Li-ion batteries to explode.

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美国国会为政府不公平待遇道歉甚至赔款相当罕见。Apologies for government mistreatment and reparations have been rare in Congress.

道勒一家的不幸激起了群众的愤怒并引发了该次调查。Revelations about the Dowlers' mistreatment caused outrage and sparked the inquiry.

紧张严厉的工作环境,工人们都抱怨管理上太受虐待。A harsh working environment in which workers complained of mistreatment by management.

澳大利亚总理陆克文对过去虐待土著人致歉。Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologises for the past mistreatment of Aborigines.

殖民统治的虐待和新的人头税增加了紧张的气氛。Mistreatment by the colonial rulers and collection of a new poll tax increased tensions.

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误治变证的成因包括误汗、误下、误吐、误火和误利小便。The causes included mistreatment of perspiration, purgation, emetic therapy and diuresis.

或者他们看到虐待的一些形式,通过对人权的侵犯形式。Or are they seeing trivial forms of mistreatment by violation form of human rights or something.

要领对23例毒蜘蛛咬伤后的病人误诊及治疗颠末举办说明。Methods To analyze 23 patients bitten by poisonous spiders, who were misdiagnosis and mistreatment.

目的探索瘢痕疙瘩误诊误治的原因,提高治疗效果。Objective To explore causes for misdiagnosis and mistreatment of keloid in order to improve curative effect.

一对夫妇被指控对其年仅18个月的女儿犯有一级虐待罪,即将受审。The parents of an 18-month-old girl are set to go on trial soon, charged with first-degree criminal mistreatment.

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他们说,据经过证实的报导说,发生了杀戮、酷刑和其他虐待行为。They say there are substantiated reports of the killings, as well as instances of torture and other mistreatment.

我们谴责伊拉克政权军队的行径,他们身穿便衣进行袭击,采取诈降的伎俩,并虐待战俘。We condemn Iraqi regime forces' attacks in civilian clothing, false surrender, and mistreatment of prisoners of war.

任何一个文明的社会都不能宽恕对工人进行虐待,当然政府也绝不会对其姑息。Worker mistreatment should never be condoned in any civilised society and it certainly will not be condoned by the Government.