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看起来让人烦躁不安。They seem fretful.

你看起来有点沮丧。You seem to be upset.

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他们的微笑看起来好像是沾沾自喜。Their smiles seem smug.

那么说似乎有些过分了。That may seem excessive.

他们好像痛恨接缝。They seem to hate seams.

并不像是被疏远了的。He doesn't seem alienated.

看起来他们似乎非常匆忙。They seem to be very budy.

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为什么这个论调是可能的?Why did that seem possible?

今天你看起来很活泼!You seem very chirpy today!

今天你好像很快活似的!You seem very chirpy today!

他的演说听起来很诚恳。his speeches seem real, so.

他显得并不严肃。He did not seem reverential.

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我不想让人看起来很小气。I did not want to seem mean.

你好象火候有些轻了。You seem to turn some light.

我不想看起来太猴急了。I don't wanna seem too eager.

但看起来我只是少数人中的一个。I seem to be in the minority.

各国政策制定者似乎没有觉得不安。Policymakers seem untroubled.

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老板似乎喜欢这一点。The bosses seem to like that.

你今天上午好像有点紧张。You seem on edge this moring.

真实坦诚,his opinions don't seem fake,