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我的硬盘里还存有自从2001年以来我写的IRC日志。I still have all my IRC logs since 2001 lying on my HDD.

主要是通过阅读wiki.ubuntu.com上的东西和在IRC上提问。Mostly by reading the and asking on IRC.

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是否有可能连接到这个组的一个体育馆客户?Is it possible to connect to this group with an IRC client?

它是一个非常稳定的,并把特性封装的很好的IRC服务器守护程序。It is a highly stable and feature-packed IRC server daemon.

或许我还能在一些以前的CD上找到我2001年以前的IRC日志呢。Maybe I can even find my pre-2001 IRC logs on some backup CDs.

有关非法侵入、软体破解以及即时通讯的内容均不允许刊登。Content relating to Hacking, Cracking, Warez and IRC is not allowed.

铁江现货主席韩博杰于2011年4月13日接受彭博访问。IRC Chairman Jay Hambro interviewed by Bloomberg on 13rd April 2011.

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如果用户不想自己加载IRC网络,可以用它预先加载的。There are pre-loaded IRC networks if you don't wish to add your own.

那些IRC日志里藏匿了那么多好玩的东东。There's so much more interesting information hidden in these IRC logs.

它通过MSN聊天,IRC频道和可移动盘来传播。It spreads via MSN Messneger, IRC channels and removable drives. 2Buzus.

因为以前我很少用IRC,现在正在试着重新把IRC安装到我的计算机里。I'm reinstalling IRC client in my computer because I rarely use IRC before.

在互联网发展的初期,人们使用Gopher协议和IRC服务器来交流。Back in the early days of the internet, people used gopher and IRC servers for communication.

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我们的全球上市为您提供有竞争力的选择,无论你船比赛的IMS,IRC或信息资源。Our Worldwide listings offer you a choice of competitive boats whether you race IMS, IRC or IRM.

开发它的目的是提供一个公平和标准的界面,来满足那些IRC网络上的需要骰子的游戏的需要。He was created to provide a fair and standard interface for dice-based games that take place on IRC.

如果你希望寻找一个极为可靠的网络,那么古老的IRC应当是你的选择。If you're looking for a network that's dead reliable, you could go old school and opt for an IRC channel.

振动分析和IRC计算结果都证实了中间体和过渡态的真实性。Intermediates and transition states are confirmed by the results of vibration analysis and IRC calculation.

加入PhoneGap邮件列表、IRC频道或即便只是查看一下Twitter上的@phonegap,如果想帮忙的话。Jump on the PhoneGap mailing list, IRC channel or even just ping @phonegap on Twitter if you want to help out.

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随后的日子里,巴尔与HBGary的总裁利维通过IRC渠道向“匿名”恳求宽恕。In the ensuing days, Barr and Leavy, HBGary's president, took to IRC channels to plead with Anonymous for mercy.

Hydra网站论坛里有在线支持,但你可能更希望通过他们的渠道获得支持。The Hydra website has online support in a forum, but you are more likely to get support through thier IRC channel.

你对想加入MOTU社区的人有什么建议吗?请通过IRC加入到我们开发群组里,这里您的每一个问题都会得到热情的答复。Any advice for people wanting to help out MOTU? Don't hesitate to join development channels on IRC to ask questions!