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有一个金属铮铮。There was a metallic clank.

镍是一种金属元素。Nickel is a metallic element.

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镉是一种金属元素。Cadmium is a metallic element.

金属钠有毒性。Metallic sodium is toxic to humans.

前面的花边与金属扣眼。Lace-up front with metallic eyelets.

金刚砂黑白常坚硬的金属物质。The emery is a hard metallic substance.

因此,茶品内不会发现有金属。Thus, no metallic taste is found in the tea.

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经典的红宝石色加上一点点的性感金属感。Classic ruby red with a sexy metallic finish.

济南金派斯金属颜料有限公司。Jinan Metal Paste Metallic Pigment Co. , Ltd.

各种合金制多层金属波纹管。Multi-ply metallic bellows, in various alloys.

您的身上还有金属物。There are still some metallic things with you.

垫圈材料是非金属性的或金属性的。Washer materials are non-metallic or metallic.

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而各种金属矿石则纯粹是原料。Metallic ores of allsorts are materials merely.

硬度是由一些两价金属阳离子引起的。Hardness is caused by divalent metallic cations.

电源、静音、音量键均为金属材质Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

金属铁外架,铝扇叶设计。Metallic iron outer frame, aluminum blades design.

沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费——呸!Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah.

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深色金属彻底竖起的波丽的外观。A darker metallic ruffled bolero completes the look.

能形成非常敏感的易爆金属化合物。R4 Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds.

利用工艺磨光皮设计金属感套装。For technology buffs, we are proposing metallic suits.