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纯空气是无色无臭的。Pure air is colourless and odourless.

它是一种白色结晶粉末,无气味。It is a white crystalline and odourless powder.

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优质溶剂,无气味,不伤皮肤。Premium solvent, odourless and no harmful to skin.

专家称“骨头汤”中发现的无味液体,有可能是酒。An odourless liquid, believed to be wine, was also found.

清除。为填装和结合。未溶解。无气味。Crytal clear. For filling and bonding. Solvent free. Odourless.

无味无色的气体爆炸是潜在的致命威胁。Exposure to the gas, which is odourless and colourless, is potentially fatal.

氢气的分子式为H2,它是一种无色、无溴和无味的气体。Hydrogen is referred to as H2. It is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas.

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氢是一种无色无嗅的气体,是所有化学元素中最简单的。Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas and the simplest of all the chemical elements.

沙林毒气的可怕之处在于它无色无嗅,比氢化物还要毒上500倍。Sarin is to be feared because it is invisible, odourless and 500 times more deadly than cyanide.

我们为化妆品生产商提供纯精制的榛子油。We offer fully refined oil for cosmetic application which is pale yellow in colour and is almost odourless.

向常先生解释“无臭榴莲”的概念得花上几分钟,最终他指出无臭榴莲在他的国家没有销路。It took several minutes to explain the concept to Mr Chang, who ultimately concluded that an odourless durian would flop in his country.

油盅式全自动移印机具有省墨、无气味、不污染的特点,是符合环保要求的新型设备。Auto pad printer with sealed ink cup is characterized as ink saving, odourless and non-pollution, satisfied withrequirements of environmental protection.

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为了使其适合应用于化妆品和保健食品,这种油经过进一步加工成为色淡味微之产品。In order to make the oil suitable for cosmetic and dietary applications, the oil is further refined to yield a lighter coloured, almost odourless product.

研究人员称,眼泪是无味的,男性志愿者并不能区别他们闻的是眼泪还是盐分。The researchers said the male volunteers could not distinguish the smell of the tears from that of the salt solution and that tears were odourless anyway.

酯化反应后采用高真空精馏工艺提取含量高、无色或微黄、无异味的产品。After esterifying reaction, high-vacuum rectification is used to extract the docosahexenoic acid as health-care nutritive product which is colourless and odourless.

杨树无色、无臭、无味,非常适宜制作水果箱、医疗工具、筷子、地板和家具,以及用来制造纸浆和纸张。Poplar wood is colourless, odourless and tasteless, making it highly suitable for fruit boxes, medical tools, chopsticks, flooring and furniture and manufacturing pulp and paper.

该消泡剂为脂肪酸酯类物质和增效剂的复合物,无毒无臭,易于生物降解,是一种溶于水的凝固状产品,其水溶液为淡乳黄色。The defoamer , the compound of fatty acid component and synergist, is non-toxic , odourless and easy to degrade, which is a coagulative solubility product . And its solution is light creamy yellow.

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这款产品为无腥味的野生鱼油能完全免受腥味的刺激,添加了天然的薄荷油及天然香草。Rather than masking the fishy odour and taste, Swisse Ultiboost Odourless Fish Oil capsules are completely free from fishy taste or smell and contain added natural spearmint oil and vanilla flavour.