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限制苺资料库取自新英格兰生物实验室公司。The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB.

杰普衷心喜爱纳布,纳布对它也是一样。Jup had besides a real affection for Neb, and Neb returned it.

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他认为纳布没有回来是由于发现了新的线索,因此延长了寻找的时间。As for him, he hoped no longer, but there was nouse in arguing with Neb.

这只雌性西伯利亚虎宝宝出生在美国内布拉斯加州奥马哈市亨利多利动物园。This female Siberian tiger cub was born at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb.

在内布拉斯加格兰德岛凯斯IH农场设备制造商的工作岗位数量早就反弹了。The jobs rebound came early at the Case I-H farm equipment factory in Grand Island, Neb.

大家都一致同意,几分钟以后,赫伯特和纳布就爬上了高地。The proposal was accepted, and in a few minutes Herbert and Neb were on the upper plateau.

纳布和潘克洛夫已经把儒艮身上的脂肪全部取下来,装在大陶土罐里了。Neb and Pencroft had taken away the fat from the dugong, and placed it in large earthen pots.

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但是一些颗粒是来自于凝成太阳系的原始星云。But a few grains have survived from the primitive neb ula that the solar system condensed from.

你是如何准备以更好得表现影片中更黑暗和深刻的情节的?How have you prepared yourself for the plot's darker, deeper scenes? — Josh Hertzel, Omaha, Neb.

内布拉斯加州官员说,承包商的主要工作是在Offut空军基地。The contractor will perform the work primarily at Offut Air Force Base, Neb., the officials said.

巴菲特广为人知的一句话是,他已将自己继任者的名字封入一个信封放在他位于奥马哈的办公室里。Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb.

史密斯瞧见纳布时的喜悦和纳布找到主人的高兴,那是难以形容的。The pleasure ofHarding on seeing his servant, and the joy of Neb at finding his master, can scarcely be described.

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巴菲特广为人知的一句话是,他已将自己继任者的名字封入一个信封放在他位于奥马哈的办公室里。Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb. But Mr.

我希望我可以给我的父亲打个电话,一位从希腊移民到卡尼的父亲,并且把自己一生大部分时间都花在一个24小事餐厅的运营上的父亲。I wish I could've called my father, a Greek immigrant who had spent most of his life running a 24-hour diner in Kearney, Neb.

1993年,崔卫斯·霍夫曼恩15岁,他从来没有走出过他的家乡爱兰斯周围的山头。In 1993, when Travis Hofmann was a freshman of 15, he had traveled little beyond the sand hills that surrounded his hometown, Alliance, Neb.

这些NEB被假定具有氧敏感气道传感器的功能,涉及呼吸控制,特别是在生命初生的适应过程中。Thus NEB are postulated to function as O2 sensitive airway sensors involved in respiratory control, especially during adaptation to extrauterine life.

位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈的内布拉斯加人道协会庇护所今年第一次开始跟踪那些因经济吃紧而被遗弃的宠物。In Omaha, Neb., the Nebraska Humane Society's shelter began tracking for the first time this year those pets given up because of financial constraints.

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外号“狐狸”一看他的脸就知道他外号的由来,这人鼻子有些长,眼睛又生得细长,确实像狐狸。The moniker"fox" a see his face understand the occasion of his byname, this person's neb is some long, eyes again living thinly long, really be favor fox.

这家位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈的企业集团目前尚未提供对地震相关保险理赔的估计,不过预计将在公布一季度收益时进行披露。The Omaha, Neb. , conglomerate so far hasn't provided estimates of its quake-related claims but is expected to disclose them when it reports first-quarter results.

张凌云先生在美国内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校获得信息管理硕士及工商管理硕士辅修学位。Zhang holds a master of science in management information systems and a graduate minor in business administration from the University of Nebraska at Omaha in Omaha, Neb.