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谷歌表融合器。Google Fusion Tables.

高光谱数据彩色图像合成。Image fusion of hyperspectral data.

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光纤熔接是一种粘土无公式。Fiber Fusion is a clay-free formula.

融合体有很多组成部分。The fusion body has many components.

那融合的滋味恭喜你!The fusion of taste congratulations!

目的蛋白具有ICL的活性。The fusion protein had activity of ICL.

她是空想者和实干者的结合。She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.

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我建议兰蔻水融合。I was recommended the Lancome Aqua Fusion.

核聚变是一种热核反应。A nuclear fusion is a thermonuclear reaction.

我很想听到一些融合爵士乐和be-bop。I really want to hear some fusion and be-bop.

该抗体能够抑制小鼠精卵的融合。The antiserum inhibited mouse sperm-egg fusion.

在雷达组网系统中,数据融合是核心技术。In sensor-network systems, data fusion is the key.

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精卵融合之前精子必须获能。Sperm must be capacitated before sperm ovum fusion.

光是通过融合而融入到融合体中的。Light is infused into the fusion body through fusion.

行横突间植骨融合。Intertransverse bone graft was carried out for fusion.

无伤口感染及关节融合不愈合。None of them had infection or disunion of joint fusion.

德班,一个融合了世界多元文化的城市,是纳塔尔省最大的城市。The City of Durban, or Ethekwini, is a place of fusion.

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德班,一个融合了世界多元文化的城市,是纳塔尔省最大的城市。Thee City of Durban, or Ethekwini, is a place of fusion.

作为规定,容器应用熔接弧焊工艺进行焊接。As a rule, vessels shall be welded by fusion arc process.

精胺能诱导血影膜的融合。Spermine could induce the fusion of human ghost membrane.