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关于诠释学的发展史就讲到这儿。So much then for the history of hermeneutics.

阐释学是“理解的哲学”。Hermeneutics is 'a philosophy of understanding'.

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阐释学是一门关于理解和解释的学科。Hermeneutics is a subject of understanding and interpretation.

解释学的发展经历了两次转向。There have existed two turns happening to hermeneutics in philosopy.

第一章“哲学诠释学与法律诠释学”。The first chapter is Philosophical Hermeneutics and legal Hermeneutics.

阐释学是关于理解和解释文本的理论。Hermeneutics is a theory about understanding and interpretation of the text.

本文书写的主旨,希望将法国解构理论与诠释学做一连结。In this text, we try to link French de-constructing theory and hermeneutics.

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春秋公羊学是一门古老的中国诠释学。Gongyang's Learning of Spring and Autumn was an ancient hermeneutics of China.

在这个传统中诠释学的基本问题,是什么?All right. So what is the basic problematic for hermeneutics in this tradition?

第二部分讨论阐释学与翻译的关系。The second part discusses the relationship between hermeneutics and translation.

德国哲学家伽达默尔以其哲学阐释学的思想体系著称。German philosopher Gadamer's known by his philosophical hermeneutics of ideology.

该文以法律诠释学为视角,分析这部法典的法律诠释学思想。The legal hermeneutics is analyzed in this essay in the legal hermeneutics' view.

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“对话”是阐释学的核心精神,也是比较诗学的重要特征。Dialogue is the essence of hermeneutics a well as a key trait of comparative poetics.

解释学从定义来看,注重事物的含义。Hermeneutics is, well, more or less by nature and by definition, interested in meaning.

其第三阶段是现代阐释学,其代表人物是海德格尔和伽达默尔。The third stage is modern hermeneutics. Hedegger and Gadamer are representations of it.

在伽达默尔的哲学诠释学中,诠释学真理观占有重要地位。The truth ideology of Gadamer's Hermeneutics is in a basic position in his Hermeneutics.

我们要加强墨经逻辑研究中的文字学和解释学研究。We want to strengthen the study of philology and hermeneutics in Mo-jing logic research.

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可以说所有这些解读这条墓志铭的方法,都和现代阐释学相一致。I would say that all of those ways of reading the epitaph are consistent with hermeneutics.

从这个意义上看,伽达默尔阐释学的机敏问题就是从主体方面来探讨康德审美判断力。Tact in Gadamer's Hermeneutics is to probe Kant's aesthetical judgment in aspect of subject.

从现代阐释学的观点看,翻译过程是译者理解和阐释的过程。Translating is an understanding and interpreting process in the light of modern Hermeneutics.