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他看到逾越节崇祀中一切动人心弦的仪式。He witnessed the impressive rites of the paschal service.

他向我们解释,复活的奥秘就是神的怜悯。He interpreted for us the paschal mystery as a mystery of divine mercy.

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但他们不会忘记的牺牲品,并逾越方面的晚饭。But they would not forget the sacrificial and paschal aspect of the Supper.

其中最早的一个形象,就是逾越节羔羊所象徵的耶稣基督。One of the earliest of these is Jesus Christ represented as a Paschal Lamb.

这是一个形式的务虚会的基督徒准备庆祝复活节的谜。It is a form of retreat for Christians preparing to celebrate the paschal mystery.

他自己就是逾越节的真羔羊,在吃逾越节筵席的那天,就要被献祭了。He Himself was the true paschal lamb , and on the day the Passover was eaten He was to be sacrificed.

彼得牧养基督的羊群,也进入到复活的奥秘中,走向了十字架和复活。By shepherding the flock of Christ, Peter enters into the paschal mystery, he goes towards the cross and the resurrection.

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年复一年,教会以这复活宣告见证著发生两千年前的具有普世意义的事件。With each year the Church testifies through this Paschal exclamation to the event of universal significance which happened almost two thousand years ago.

它结构简单,由15,000个塑料瓶组成,海洋学家爱利克·埃里克森和乔尔·帕斯卡尔驾驶它穿越了垃圾带。This simply constructed craft floated on a mass of 15,000 plastic bottles and was sailed through the patch by oceanographers Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal.

后来,基督教的庆典采用了复活节这一名称,并增加了“基督复活”的新意,将它变为一个宗教节日。The name Easter was then adopted for the Christian Paschal festival, which added a new meaning, Resurrection, to the celebration and turned it into a religious holiday.

这与两国在宗法观念与法制思想、等级制度与宗教影响、社会制度和价值取向等方面的不同有关。And this is caused by the difference of paschal clan system and legal ideology, hierarchical system and religious influence, social system and value orientation between the two countries.

此外,它明确地补充说,如果前一天逾越节适逢安息日,有人可能会以这种方式购买逾越节羔羊,而且,据推测,一切的是需要的,为盛宴。Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.

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当时的主教,特别是主要城市的主教,会发出所谓的复活节书信,信里写着给其他教会的指示,或者其他事情。Bishops at this time,especially of major cities, would sometimes send around what we call a paschal letter, an Easter letter. In which they'd give instructions or different kinds of things to their churches.