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我喜欢巴黎。I love Paris.

巴黎适合我。Paris suited me.

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乔叫道,“你去过巴黎吗?”Did you go to Paris?

关于这一点,社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿就是现成的例子。Just ask Paris Hilton.

是的。去巴黎的。Yes, re-book to Paris.

他的遗体被安葬在巴黎。He was buried in Paris.

今天巴黎只是一个木偶。Paris in Pantin to-day.

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你逛过巴黎吗?。Have you done Paris yet ?

巴黎已经很庞大了Paris is already enormous.

巴黎位于塞纳河畔。Paris stands on the Seine.

最好是去巴黎度蜜月。They honeymooned in Paris.

他陪伴她去巴黎。He accompanied her to Paris.

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我们乘飞机经巴黎去雅典。We flew to Athens via Paris.

巴黎是法国的缩影。Paris is France in miniature.

巴黎和北京结成姊妹城市。Paris is twinned with Beijing.

熟石膏凝结得很快。Plaster of Paris sets quickly.

小米是一只生活在巴黎的老鼠。Remi is a rat living in Paris.

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巴黎滴那座塔有多高?How high is the tower in Paris?

我是来自法国巴黎的马其。I'm March from Paris of France.

杰纳。菲雪尔从巴黎发回报道。Jana Fisher reports from Paris.