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演示文稿有时候不正如一把利刃吗?Is not PPT something like a set of sharp knives?

附设于AEC行业百分点给思想和展示服务。Attached ppt for AEC industry to give ideas and show services.

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具有甲状腺疾病高危的妇女其产后甲状腺炎的发生率增加。Women at high risk for thyroid disease have an increased rate of PPT.

好了,如果没有其他问题我就要把您的演讲ppt上传到后台了。Ok, I am going to transfer the PPT to the backstage if no any problems.

嗨,还是我!不好意思刚才那封邮件忘了加附件,我把它附在这里啦。Hello, it's me again! Sorry for forgettingattach the ppt in last email, here it is. Ying.

好在我已经准备了许多的PPT,这些PPT中都是一些动画人物,同学们喜欢它。Fortunately, I had prepared a number of PPT which was about animated characters, and the students loved it.

这意味着,美国和欧洲经济增长每放缓1个百分点,中国经济增长将紧紧放缓0.25个百分点。It implies that a US and EU deceleration by 1 ppt would result in a reduction of only 25bp in China's GDP growth.

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而另外一个巧合是,当时他的PPT里最后的一个画面是他和某人的合影,这个某人是我所熟悉的人。With another coincidence, the last picture of his PPT is a group photo of someone and him, and I know this guy very well.

我们有专门的教程和资料,在线的资源或是班级中运用的幻灯片。Of course, our books and materials, including the online materials like the PPT in our classroom, are written by our experts.

在社会主义新农村建设的导游毕业论文范文背景下,河北省太行山区的旅游扶贫工作具有重要现实意义。In the context of the construction of new socialist countryside, PPT in Taihang Mountain has important practical significance.

全口义齿满意度构成因素中的固位稳定、咀嚼、舒适得分与牙槽嵴粘膜疼痛阈呈正相关。The partial correlation analysis demonstrated that the scores of stability-retention, mastication and comfort correlated with the PPT.

而它又能够识别PPT纠缠态,这也许就为我们直接实验展示PPT纠缠态的非局域性提供了可能。It is known that LURs can recognize PPT entanglement, thus we may make use of LURs to display the nonlocality of PPT entanglement experimentally.

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通过对WPC为原料的墙体和以PPT木质板材为地基元素的墙体进行强度和刚度的比较来研究可能的替代方案。Strength and stiffness of walls with WPCs are compared to walls with PPT lumber foundation elements to investigate possible substitution options.

李开复博士同时以精心制作的PPT文件和渊博的学识向学生们展示了一个真正的IT界巨子的人格魅力。Dr. Li Kaifu showed a real IT circle giant's personality glamour to students with his skillful PPT files and erudite knowledge at the same time. Dr.

这些包含恶意软件的PPT文件一旦被打开立即向电脑投下恶意软件,以下的截图显示了恶意文档被执行之后的进程活动情况The malicious PPT files try to drop malware once opened. Here is a screenshot with the process activity after a malicious document has been executed

紧接着,三峡大学留学生志愿者服务队和医学院志愿者服务队分别展示有关活动的幻灯片。Subhash Regmi and Mr. Hu Cheng Zhi gave their words. The program was followed by PPT show of CTGUFSVG and Chinese Volunteer group of medical college.

还要继续准备周一需要的东西,累!外面的雨下的人心烦,真是让人讨厌的黄梅天!Monday, meeting! CEO COO will come to shanghai. Today, I must prepare for PPT of a week report and wash clothes. I hate washing clothes I like cooking!

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PPT广泛应用于文检课堂,却很少有人思考如何提高PPT辅助文检教学的应用水平。PPT was used in the teaching of information retrieval universally, but the thinking about improving the effect of PPT in the teaching of information retrieval is few.

举例来说,最不当的使用方法就是把演讲人的全部讲话都放在PPT上,然后逐页逐行逐字地念出来。The best example of a very bad way to use PPT is to put the speaker's entire comments on the slides. He or she then reads them out word by word, line by line, slide by slide.

蕴含天然草本滋润精华及PPT多肽成份,融合高山泉水,能深入渗透干枯脆弱的发丝,带来三倍保湿及水养效果。Contain natural herbal nourishing essence and PPT polypeptide combined with mountain spring, deeply penetrate into dry and fragile hair, bring three times of moisture-preserving effect.