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我们对此坚信不移。We firmly count on it.

她坚定地相信。She believed it firmly.

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抓紧你手中的曼德拉草。Grasp your Mandrake firmly.

她坚定地迈上台阶。She mounted the steps firmly.

“去掉独角兽,”我斩钉截铁的说。“No unicorns,” I said firmly.

他用力的敲了敲门。He knocked firmly on the door.

我非常相信星相学。I believe firmly in astrology.

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这信封封得很牢。The envelope was firmly sealed.

王传福立场坚定地反驳了这一点。Mr Wang deflects the point firmly.

这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。The usage is now firmly indurated.

这种用法现已得到确认。The usage is now firmly established.

坚定地走到窗前,把酒喝干。Go firmly to the window. Drink it in.

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根系向下生长深入土里。The roots grew down firmly in the soil.

值得,科恩的继任者坚定地对他们说。Yes, Coen’s successor told them firmly.

要坚定的行动,这样你就不会跑掉。Act firmly in that you stop running away.

首先,不要把赚钱这件事牢牢的记在心上。First, don't put money it firmly in mind.

他在地上双脚站得很稳。He planted his feet firmly on the ground.

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坚决执行这个计划。I myself will firmly carry out this plan.

我本人将坚决执行这个计划。I myself will firmly carry out this plan.

那个小男孩紧握住妈妈的手。The boy grasped his mother's hand firmly.