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那是一张阴谋家的脸。It is the face of a conspirator.

金姆告诉尼娜,里克并不能真正算是绑架的同谋。Kim tells Nina that Rick wasn't really a conspirator in the kidnapping.

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我们只知道,撒但在犹大那里找到了一个自愿的背叛者。We do not know except that, in Judas, Satan found a willing conspirator.

这正是导致其解决共谋者问题时陷入混乱的一个重要原因。This is the main reason of making a mess when resolving the problem of conspirator.

但是根据剧本的描写,这个角色以一个犯罪同谋的角度来看,又似乎过于冷静了。But as written, the character seems too level-headed to be a conspirator to such a crime.

他当时供称唐纳德正在前往迈阿密海滩把这笔钱交给第三个合谋者。He claimed that donald was en route to miami beach to deliver the money to a third conspirator.

其他六人为协助巴罗特的罪名辩护,而宣称是同谋者的第七个人则正在接受审讯。Six others have pleaded guilty to assisting him, while a seventh alleged conspirator is standing trial.

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罗马政治家和阴谋家,在西塞罗执政时期领导了颠覆罗马共和国的反叛运动,最后以失败告终。Roman politician and conspirator who led an unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic while Cicero was a consul.

对于许多观察家来说,V怪客面具与不论是詹姆士一世时期的阴谋家,还是现代的漫画书/电影都无关。For many observers, the V for Vendetta mask has nothing to do with a Jacobean conspirator or a modern comic-book slash movie.

她把我说过的某句话夸大了好多倍,找了一个共犯来支持她,然后向经理哭诉工作多么不顺心。She over-exaggerated one thing I said, got another conspirator to back her up, and took her sobs of "discomfort in the workplace" to the manager.

当然,我也知道,你们之创造我也是一种大胆的行为,因为你们尝试着要我成为一个同谋者,让我和你们一起,能欺骗更软弱的那些人。Of course, I know that your creating me is also bold, for you try to make me a conspirator together with you to, to deceive those who are more coward.

在消费主义的扩散过程中,大众传媒尤其是电视媒体起着推波助澜的重要作用。In the process of propagation of consumerism, mass media, especially the TV media has played an influential role as a carrier, a constructor even a conspirator.

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他和情妇伊芙琳·奈特、共犯帕特里克·弗朗西斯同时被逮捕,温伯格被联邦高级陪审团以邮件诈骗、汇款诈骗和阴谋骗局的罪名起诉。Arrested along with his mistress Evelyn Knight and conspirator Patrick Francis, he was indicted by a federal grand jury for mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy.