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那么,巴黎公社是什么呢So, what was the Paris Commune?

巴黎公社的原则是永存的。She wrote a book on the Paris Commune.

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我愿推心置腹地与你谈谈你的婚姻问题。I will commune with you of your marriage.

可阿德说自己的县没办法照搬他们的模式。But Tien said his commune can’t copy them.

我将搬出嘻皮社区。I'd liberate myself from the Hippy Commune.

我们在1958年成了这个人民公社。We organized this people's commune in 1958.

巴黎公社的原则是永存的。The principles of paris commune are eternal.

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是全公社知青中的第一对。It is one of complete commune educated youth.

其实它无时不刻地在与地球、树木及天空进行亲密交谈。Really commune with the earth, trees and sky.

巴黎公社被淹没在自己的血泊之中。The Commune was being drowned in its own blood.

这些房子都是属于人民公社的。All these houses belong to the people's commune.

巴黎公社的原则是永存的。The principles of the Paris Commune are eternal.

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现在,他是我们公社一个生产大队的队长。Now he leads a production brigade in our commune.

好的,今天我想谈谈巴黎公社Okay, today I want to talk about the Paris Commune.

这条新公路把我们的公社与城市连接起来了。The new highway has joined our commune to the city.

这对像东川这样的穷公社来说,是种浪费。It is quite a waste for a poor commune like Dong Xuan.

格萨尔达拉距白玉乡府所在地38公里。It is situated from Beiyu commune about 38 kilometers.

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姜宇赫拽住她的手,请求她留下来谈心。JiangYuHe plucked at her hand, ask her to stay commune.

1959年牧区全面实行了人民公社化。From 1959, the pastoral areas practiced people's commune.

2003年,Tam晋升为多农省Dakru公社的警察局局长。In 2003 Tam was promoted to police chief of Dak Ru commune.