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挽歌将会终止。The Dirge will stop.

轻快的歌曲竟似挽歌使我压抑。A light song overcomes me like a dirge.

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晨祷自然美我们该不该哭泣。Just as much for us that sobbing dirge of Nature.

殡葬带有欢乐而结婚奏唱悼歌。With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage.

上尉,一定让乐队为他们演奏一首表达我们哀思的挽歌。Captain, make sure that the band plays a good dirge.

收音机头”乐队为唱片行业唱响了挽歌。Radiohead is singing a dirge to the record industry.

我就面向这个在门另一边的神秘的陌生人,唱出这首维印伽曲调的悼诗。And I gave voice to that Behaga dirge facing the mysterious unknown on the other side.

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所谓的历史在这一个瞬间凝结了,那些穿越时空的笑厣和群星幻灭的悲怆在此时汇集成了一首流传的哀歌。The history congealed at that moment, the deranged dimple and the disillusion depression were combinated into one dirge.

我读不出你的怨、你的愁,此时此刻,你唇间呼出的,是悠扬而凄美的挽歌。There is no complaint, no sorrow. right now, your voice sounds like melodious and beautiful dirge coming out from your lips.

向读者展示了一幅幅东北农民众生图,并为他们病态的灵魂唱着挽歌。She shows the pictures of the farmers in the Northeast one by one before all the readers, and sings a dirge for their sick soul.

患有声调耳聋症的人,无法听辩乐符。然而,其带来的困扰不及面盲。不能喝着哼唱莫扎特奏鸣曲或哀扬的金属乐曲固然不幸,但相较于无法辨别面容,便鲜值一提。Not being able to hum along with a Mozart sonata or a Metallica dirge may be annoying, but it pales in comparison to not being able to tell faces apart.

风吹来外面“鼓乐手”的唢呐和笛子的声音,也显得异常悲凉,像是替中国的丝织业奏哀乐。The sound of the trumpets and flutes of the band outside drifted in on the wind, so melancholy that it might have been a dirge for the Chinese silk industry.

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我当然不想家乡的父老乡亲沉浸于悲伤中不能自拔,但是在这样的日子里,我还是希望有能够为他们唱一首哀歌,那首歌安静而又悲伤。I certainly do not want fellow home unable to extricate themselves immersed in grief, but in this day, I still want to have to sing a dirge for them, and that quiet and sad song.

她住在伦敦郊区一个较远的地方,尽管我常收到她的邀请信,但由于我对于这首悼诗的恐惧,使我不敢接受她的邀请。She was in a suburban locality some distance away from London, and I frequently got letters from her inviting me there. But my dread of that dirge kept me from accepting these invitations.