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为什么不喷点空气清新剂试试?或许会有用。Why not try spraying some air freshener?That might help.

是空气清新剂你脸和脖子上那是口红吗?。Air freshener. And is that lipstick on your cheek and neck?

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空气清香剂为您创造一个芳香四溢的美好环境。The air freshener furnishes you with fine aromatic surroundings.

常用爽肤水,您将更加清爽美丽。Using skin freshener regularly, you will Be even more fresh and Beautiful.

这种芳香型空气清洁剂使您整天感到芳香扑鼻。This fragrant air freshener makes you sense a distinctive aroma all day long.

将几滴精油加入水中,放在喷瓶中,就可以当空气清新剂使用了。Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener.

收缩毛孔调理水合适油性、混合性肌肤,洁肤后再使用。Fifth, pores freshener suitable for oily and combination skin, skin care after use.

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所有曾经长期使用公共卫生间的人们都对定期、可靠的空气清新系统大加赞赏。Anyone who's ever used a public restroom appreciates regular and dependable air freshener.

也能用于房间清新剂,或在你睡前去清洁你的床单和枕头。Can also be used as a room freshener or to freshen one's sheets or pillows before retiring for sleep.

林肯将塞好喷罐的卫生纸堆进一个迷你冰柜中,然后用空气清新剂喷洒在它们表面。Linc piles the aerosol-stuffed TP rolls into the mini-fridge, then sprays them down with air freshener.

代尔公司的空气清新剂分公司雷纽兹发起了一次轻松愉快的调查,上述结论由此而来。That's the finding of a light-hearted U. S. survey sponsored by Renuzit, Dial Corp. 's air freshener unit.

该公司开发了一种高科技的空气清新剂。这种空气清新剂接在电脑上,可以散发出与讯息有关的香味。It has developed a kind of hi-tech air freshener that plugs into a PC and sprays a smell linked to the message.

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是一家专业生产空气清香剂、汽车香水座、汽车香片、香膏、香水补充液等系列产品的厂家。Our company is engaged in air freshener , perfume for car, solid perfume, liquid perfume and series of products.

工作时,在办公桌上放一瓶水或一瓶再化合清凉剂,用于提神。Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work. Use it to freshen you up during the long day.

你也可以会选用一支有香味的蜡烛或用其他的方式的空气清洁器来使得房间里的气味好一些。You may choose to light a scented candle or use another form of an air freshener in order to make the room smell better.

隐秘摄像头可以藏身于数千个地方,但估计打死你也想不到,浴室内的空气清新剂居然也干起偷拍的行当。Youcould expect a camera hidden in thousands of places, but would you ever suspectfrom a harmless bathroom air freshener?

留兰香油可作调味香料,也可开发成系列清凉保健产品和高效低毒的植物杀虫、驱虫制剂,经济效益佳。Spearmint oil can be used as spice, it can be used to produce freshener and low poison pesticide with high economic effect.

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车用芳香剂等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。Car air freshener and other professional production and processing company, has a complete and scientific quality management system.

主要研究了不同材质、不同受热长度、不同直径大小的挥发芯对电插式液体清香剂剂液挥发量的影响。Mainly studied the evaporating effects of plug-in liquid air freshener caused by evaporating wicks of different materials, different heating time and different diameters.