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但你在陆地上也能找到同样多的暴虐。But you will find as much brutality by land.

说起在哥伦比亚的生活,不能不提到警察和野蛮的聚众人群。Police and crowd brutality is a fact of life in Colombia.

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勇敢的抵抗残酷行为是列维•利布雷斯库教授的天性。It was in Liviu Librescu's nature to stand up to brutality.

问题不在于名人离婚的数量多少,而在于这些离婚背后体现的残酷无情。Not so much the quantity but the brutality of these breakups.

输血本身充满残酷和传奇。Blood transfusion is itself infused with brutality and legendry.

有人指责军队中存在着野蛮暴行和盗窃行为。Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army.

这张照片虽然很残忍,但是当时的真实写照。This image is stark in its brutality but was the reality of the time.

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他们勇敢地面对本国政府疯狂的残暴镇压。They have braved ferocious brutality at the hands of their government.

战争的残酷性可以通过战争对象反映出来。The brutality of war can be reflected by the means with which it’s fought.

罗索乌现年42岁,她和其他几个居民还指责警察的残暴。Rossouw, 42, is among several residents who accuse the police of brutality.

既已被非人化,他们将拥抱非人性和残暴。Having been dehumanized in turn, they will embrace inhumanity and brutality.

橡胶大佬们的暴富只有在同他们的残忍相比才显得相形见绌。The opulence of the rubber barons could only be exceeded by their brutality.

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该市警察暴行的丑恶记录全国各地尽人皆知。Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of this country.

野蛮对我们人类来说不仅仅意味着一个结束,它本身就是一个终结。Brutality for our species is not just a means to an end. It is an end in itself.

山鲁亚尔的暴行和山鲁佐德的美德各为重残和美艳的象征。Atrocities and Schehemzade's virtues respectively symbolize brutality and beauty.

蛮兽神像对挥击技能的伤害加成由50减少到10点。The bonus to "Swipe" from the "Idol of Brutality" has been reduced from 50 to 10.

索菲娅的继母纳塔莉亚及其子彼得目睹了这场暴行。Two witnesses to the brutality are Sophia's stepmother Natalia and her son Peter.

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它包括其他情况下的野蛮和图形图像的示威者的伤口。It includes other instances of brutality and graphic images of a protester's wounds.

欧洲对上校布拉穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在利比亚的暴政的早些反应是很有希望的。Europe's early response to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s brutality in Libya was promising.

欧洲对上校布拉穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在利比亚的暴政的早些反应是很有希望的。Europe’s early response to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s brutality in Libya was promising.